

In this week's Intersect, read about:

Media Claims a Georgia Woman Died Due to Laws Banning Abortion. Here’s The Truth.

“Over the past few days, media outlets, including The New York Times, Newsweek, and MSNBC, have all cited a claim that a woman died because of strict pro-life laws. Amber Thurman, these outlets reported, citing an article from ProPublica, would have survived if not for Georgia’s laws on abortion. The truth, however, has nothing to do with Georgia’s abortion laws and everything to do with taking dangerous abortion pills without any follow-up care.” read more at the Daily Wire


  • The media has also blamed the death of a second Georgia woman, Candi Miller, on the state’s abortion ban. Both deaths are tragic, and in both cases abortion pills, not the pro-life law, are to blame. In a medical abortion, the first pill causes the baby’s death; the second pill causes cramps and heavy bleeding to expel the baby from the mother’s body. For both Thurman and Miller, remains of their dead babies stayed inside their wombs, which can cause a deadly infection. Thurman, who developed sepsis, was not treated in time to save her life, and Miller died at home after taking a “lethal combination” of painkillers.
  • The proper response should be to condemn the abortion pill. Instead, a life-saving law is being condemned. Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking at a campaign rally, claimed that under Georgia’s abortion ban, “Doctors have to wait until the patient is at death’s door before they take action.” According to pro-life OBGYNs, nothing in the law prevents doctors from removing a dead baby to save the mother’s life.
  • Vice President Harris has gone much further than condemning state pro-life laws. On Tuesday, she made news by calling for the Senate filibuster to be abolished in order to pass a federal abortion law. Abortion pills are now the most common method of killing unborn children, and the Biden-Harris administration removed the FDA’s requirements that were meant to protect the women who take them. How many more lives and families will be destroyed because of lies and deadly policies?


Pray for boldness for yourself and others to speak the truth in love and help women who are considering abortion. Pray that the truth about abortion pills will be exposed, and that people will see through the deception and support life.


We encourage you to read and share, A Prescription to Kill. In this article, Dr. Ingrid Skop, an obstetrician for over 30 years, discusses the dangers of abortion pills. It is essential information that everyone needs to know.

Evangelical Leaders Huddle in DC to Discuss How to Best Stand with the Jewish State

“Nearly 100 Evangelical leaders have decided to launch a new organization called the Conference of Presidents of Christian Organizations in Support of Israel…They want the group to serve as an umbrella organization for dozens of like-minded groups to come together and magnify their influence by working more closely together.” read more at The Christian Post


  • What is the organization’s goal? According to the conference, “this coalition will advance pro-Israel policy at the executive, legislative and state levels, and mobilize major grassroots efforts to strengthen the United States-Israel relations at this critical crossroad in our nation’s history and will build a firewall against the unprecedented rise of antisemitism in America.”
  • What is the current situation in Israel? Earlier this week, Hezbollah declared an “open-ended battle” and fired over 100 rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel on Sunday. Israel has retaliated with airstrikes on Hezbollah targets as it seeks to secure its northern border. Hezbollah has vowed to attack Israel until a ceasefire in Gaza is reached with the terrorist group Hamas. Last week, Hezbollah was hampered by an attack on their pagers and walkie talkies, widely attributed to Israel. The U.S. Embassy is encouraging Americans to leave Lebanon as soon as possible as an all-out war is feared.
  • Why is it important for America to support Israel? Genesis 12:3 says that God will bless those who bless Abraham and the nation of Israel, but He will curse those who curse them. Pastor Mario Bramnick, president of the Latino Coalition for Israel, reflected on how the opposition to Israel’s existence has intensified. He said, “I think this is God's way of waking up the Esthers and the Mordechais to stand against any negative opposition to Israel, the statehood of Israel, and the safety and freedom of the Jewish people.”


Sovereign Lord, we pray for protection and peace for Israel, and for all the peoples of every nation to put their faith in You as Lord and Savior. In these troubled times, let many people, including our leaders, seek Your wisdom and guidance.


When the nations rage, let us be found on our knees before King Jesus (Psalm 2). Download our Five Prayer Points for Israel to help.

Given Its Past, Oppose the United Nations’ ‘Pact for the Future’

“Every September, world leaders travel to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. While the floor speeches garner the most attention, most often the real action happens in meetings between the leaders and high-level meetings where governments finalize and agree to various statements and agreements. This year, the Summit of the Future is on the agenda, and at the Sept. 22-23 meetings, governments are expected to endorse the Pact for the Future.” read more at The Daily Signal


  • With so much going on in the world right now, this year’s United Nations’ General Assembly is bound to be action-packed. Of the many items on their agenda, the most notorious is the Pact for the Future—an initiative “calling for huge increases in foreign aid and funding…for climate change, endorsing government censorship…, affirming human rights that the U.S. does not recognize…” and several other potentially dangerous items.
  • This latest effort has been deemed by some as “an overt effort by the secretary-general to claim more resources and authority for the United Nations.” We should all stop to consider what the UN would do with more resources and authority. If the Pact for the Future is any indication, the UN would squeeze more capital out of its member states—or rather the states’ taxpayers’ pockets—to promote and enforce freedom-stifling policies worldwide.
  • As we watch the world’s leaders gather and throw their support behind ideologies and policies that aim to rob us of our freedoms and financial prosperity, it is easy to become discouraged. But in moments of discouragement or fear, let us not forget who holds the future. As the famous song goes, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future.”


Lord, we praise You because You have given us victory through Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:57) and promised us that we have nothing to fear here on earth. But we do ask that You protect our God-given freedoms and pray that you might embolden us to stand for them in the public square. Amen.


If we want to put leaders in power who will protect our rights rather than restrict them, and who will advocate for our best interests on the world stage, every Christian must vote. To do your part in motivating Christians to get to the polls this election season, join our Write Now campaign. Learn more and sign up here.

Kentucky Gov. Bans ‘Conversion Therapy’ in Attempt ‘to Silence the Expression’ of Different Views, Expert Says

“In Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear (D) decided it’s okay for children to undergo gender transition procedures but that it’s not okay to allow a way for kids to talk it out first. ‘Conversion therapy,’ as the Daily Caller wrote, ‘has historically referred to clinical attempts to stop patients from experiencing same-sex attraction.’ However, far-left activists and organizations have characterized the practice as ‘dangerous and discredited,’ claiming it causes ‘depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidality.’ Beshear, keeping in step with the latter definition, banned ‘conversion therapy’ for minors in an executive order issued on Wednesday.” read more at The Washington Stand


  • According to Joseph Backholm, a fellow at Family Research Council, “What these bans try to do is say it’s illegal to help someone embrace their sex or minimize certain sexual impulses even if they want to.” In other words, under this new order, counselors could be restricted from providing the services and counsel their patients truly need and want.
  • This order is just one example of the assault on Christianity and religious liberty in America. With every inch, they gain more ground. What will be next? A counselor’s role is to offer guidance and support to individuals navigating life’s challenges, not simply to validate every feeling a patient may have. If other states follow Kentucky’s example, we may no longer refer to them as counselors, but rather as “validators” or “affirmers.”
  • Throughout history, many nations have gradually surrendered their rights, often to their own detriment. In 2006, Gazans voted Hamas into power. In 1933, through a series of elections, the German people welcomed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party into leadership. By ignoring ‘minor’ assaults on their freedoms, both Gazans and Germans effectively voted away their rights, and in some cases, even their lives. Will we make the same mistake this November and in future elections? How long will we remain passive as elected officials continue to chip away at our freedoms?


Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Ask God to raise up Christian counselors who will not be deterred by policies like this one. Pray that all attempts to prevent children from getting godly counsel are unsuccessful.


There is a lot at stake this November. If we don’t vote, our biblical values will continue to be silenced by radicals with no regard for us, our faith, or our freedoms. Are you committed to voting this Election Day? Sign our pledge here.

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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I am praying Gods will will be done in the election. We don’t need another 4 years of what we have had. I just hope and pray people will open their eyes for the future of our kid’s Grandchildren and Great grandchildren. We need God back in our schools.