My Faith Votes | Articles


  • Christ and His resurrection changes everything.

    When you hear the phrase, “This changes everything,” you may be a little slow to accept it. In most cases, it doesn’t. Even in Ecclesiastes, we read that there is nothing new under the sun. But here’s a truth you can count on: Christ and His resurrection changes everything!

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  • If Christians Don’t Act...Who Will?

    Nature abhors a vacuum and unnatural things do as well. For too long, people of faith have been fed the blasted falsehood that America’s vital institutions could be value-neutral, reflecting no particular belief - but tolerance and personal freedom. And for too long, we have swallowed it.

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  • We’ve Been Given a Stewardship

    I think it's important for us to understand that the key biblical category here is stewardship. We're given the stewardship of influence. And in our constitutional system of government, we're given the stewardship of a vote, which means, that the only question is whether our stewardship is faithful or unfaithful. Are we being good stewards or are we failing in stewardship?

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  • My Truth vs. The Truth: Explaining the Change in Generation Z

    Feelings are an important way of thinking. God gave us feelings. But there's a philosophical issue that is at stake. We've tipped as a culture—moving away from seeking THE truth to talking about speaking OUR truth. We've stopped believing that truth is located out there somewhere objectively and in someplace stable where we can find it and orient ourselves to it and thinking that it's all [inside of us].

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  • Media Trends, Facebook Censorship, and the Battle for Truth with Billy Hallowell

    Billy Hollowell is a journalist and host for both CBN News and Faithwire. He has worked in the media for over two decades—entering the industry when he was just 15 years old. If anyone understand how the media impacts culture, it is him. My Faith Votes’ CEO, Jason Yates, recently sat down with Billy to discuss current trends in the media as well as the media’s proliferation of polarization.

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