America's Christian Founding with Tim Barton
In a recent engaging conversation, Tim Barton, the president of Wall Builders, discussed the crucial role of faithfulness in the context of voting, the foundational biblical influences in American history, and the importance of understanding immigration from both a historical and biblical perspective. The following is an excerpt of the interview.
Tell us about the work that WallBuilders is doing to educate Americans on our nation’s founding?
We focus on American history and specifically understanding the connection of the biblical foundation of America. We have the largest private collection of original documents from the founding fathers, from the founding era. We have letters, documents, journals from any Founding Father you can name. Our niche of what we feel God's called us to is we want to teach people American history. We want people to see what the Founding Fathers did, that put us on a path to be the most free, stable, prosperous nation in the history of the world, was following biblical principles. And the Founding Fathers set up a system that allowed freedom to thrive and function, but it only thrived and functioned because of the moral foundation they laid.
What role did pastors have in our nation's founding?
If you look at the Declaration, every single issue in the Declaration had been preached from American pulpits prior to 1763, a dozen years before there's ever a revolution, or there's ever a Declaration of Independence. When the Founding Fathers came up with all their ideas, all their ideas were not ones they came up with. It's what they had learned from their pastors.
Addressing Immigration: Who did the founding fathers believe was responsible for immigration?
The Constitution initially designated immigration issues to individual states until it became a federal issue in the late 19th century. While compassion is essential, the government's role is to protect its citizens, something that becomes challenging with open borders.
How can Christians think biblically on the issue of immigration?
It’s important to remember that while compassion is vital, adhering to laws is also biblically sound. Those welcomed into the country must follow existing legal processes to ensure safety and order. When there are people that love America, they have jobs, they have homes, they want to be here and go through the legal processes – we should make it easy for people that want to be here to be here. However, it should be a challenge for people who have bad intentions to make it in this nation.
So, this idea where someone would say, “Well, if we put up a border, that's not loving.” However, the role of the government is to protect its citizens, and it would be unloving for the government not to protect their citizens. If you come here, you should want to be here, number one. And number two, you should follow the laws. And the laws are, there is a legal process to get in.
What is the number one issue that we are facing coming into the 2024 election?
I would say one of the things that I know you guys are very concerned with, and it's the fact that Christians show up and vote. Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation.” [In this context] Righteousness is not determined by someone's personality, but rather by their policies. And this is a big deal because a lot of times we may not like a candidate, but let’s measure policies. Policies that align with biblical principles are cornerstones for determining the righteousness of leaders. Christians must faithfully show up with their stewardship and vote. And I think that is the biggest issue in this coming election.
You can watch the full interview with Tim Barton by clicking HERE.
My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.
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I always feel smarter after I get the pleasure to listen to Tim and Dave Barton.