7 Ways To Act Now

Recent polling estimates as many as 32 million self-identified Christians, who regularly attend church, may not vote in the upcoming 2024 elections. You can change this statistic.
Here are seven simple ways you can help your family, friends, church community, and neighbors get ready to vote.
1. Text or Email Your Friends and Family
Share My Faith Votes' voting resources. Copy and paste the message below and send it to your contact list.
I found a great website for Christians who need encouragement to vote their biblical values and information about the upcoming elections. Please take some time to check it out at https://www.myfaithvotes.org
If you agree, please pass on to other Christians. Statistics from My Faith Votes show that as many as 25 million Christians who are registered to vote do not vote in Presidential Elections. Let’s help change that. https://www.myfaithvotes.org
2. Help Christians Get Equipped to Vote
Make sure Christians you know are registered to vote. My Faith Votes’ My Voter Hub has all the information needed, specific to every state and home address.
Need a voter guide? My Voter Hub gives you the information you need about every race on your ballot. You can also find your polling location, request an absentee ballot, and more.
My Voter Hub3. Share Election Voting Reminders
Oftentimes, Christians simply don’t know when elections are happening, particularly in local elections where their voice and vote are especially needed. The Personal Voting Assistant fixes this problem by sending election reminders straight to your email or phone.
Ninety-two percent of those who use our Personal Voting Assistant turn out to vote. Reminders help! Encourage other Christians to sign-up for reminders so that they never miss a single election.
Personal Voting Assistant4. Host a Voter Mobilization Drive
Host a Voter Mobilization Drive at your church or in your community. Download the free toolkit at OurChurchVotes.org. It contains everything you need, including a how-to-guide, bulletin inserts, videos, legal information, and voter registration information to equip others to vote.
Get Resources for Your Church5. Subscribe and Send Intersect to Others
In Intersect, My Faith Votes’ weekly newsletter, we dissect four current news stories from a biblical perspective, helping you to “Pray, Think, and Act” on the headlines. This news summary is a great resource to equip any Christian wanting to better understand the intersection between politics and faith before they vote.
Subscribe to the Intersect6. Be an Action Partner - Join the Write Now Campaign!
Action Partners are a powerful grassroots army numbering over 20,000 individuals representing all 50 states in our nation. Action Partners engage in practical projects to engage Christians for meaningful impact in the public square. These include: postcard and letter writing campaigns, weekly prayer calls, grassroots events in their area, contacting their representatives about critical policies, and more. Join this incredible community here.
Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, Action Partners are focused on reaching low-propensity Christian voters in key swing states by writing letters encouraging them to vote. These efforts have shown a 57% lift in voter turnout!
We invite you to join the Action Partners’ Write Now campaign. Don’t worry, you’re not starting from scratch. You’ll receive a letter that’s typed and ready to print, so all you need to do is write a short, personalized message at the end. We’ll walk you through each step in the process. Join with us and together, let’s make an impact in this election.
7. Support My Faith Votes and Reach More Christians
For just $3.40, about the cost of a cup of coffee, you can equip a Christian voter through My Faith Votes. We motivate non-voting Christians to think biblically about the issues, pray for our leaders and communities, and vote in every election.
We use the latest technology to identify non-voting Christians in states across the country, and we deploy digital media to put voting resources directly in their hands to help activate them to vote.
Donate to My Faith Votes
When 90 million Christians stand united for biblical values, we welcome God's principles into our communities and ensure freedom and peace are preserved for the next generation.