America's Christian Founding with Tim Barton
In a recent engaging conversation, Tim Barton, the president of Wall Builders, discussed the crucial role of faithfulness in the context of voting, the foundational biblical influences in American history, and the importance of understanding immigration from both a historical and biblical perspective.
Politics for People Who Hate Politics
You may not like politics, but politics likes you. Our days of sitting back are over. We have to stand up, or we'll all fall down.
Pastor Allen Jackson on the Church’s Role in Shaping Culture
One party supports abortion up to the ninth month, redefined marriage, and gender modification for children. Be informed enough to know what the platforms are and then stop the nonsense about personalities.
Eric Metaxas on Faith, Politics, and the American Church
Pastors need to understand and teach what Scripture truly says about involvement in society. The Bible doesn’t counsel us to remain neutral. In the United States, we have the privilege and responsibility of living in a republic where our actions can influence policies that affect people's lives. If you see policies harming your neighbor and say nothing, you fail in your Christian duty to love your neighbor.
We’ve Been Given a Stewardship
I think it's important for us to understand that the key biblical category here is stewardship. We're given the stewardship of influence. And in our constitutional system of government, we're given the stewardship of a vote, which means, that the only question is whether our stewardship is faithful or unfaithful. Are we being good stewards or are we failing in stewardship?
Can Artificial Intelligence Interfere with Elections?
We wondered. So, we asked an expert. We asked ChatGPT to confess to the ways it could be used to manipulate election results. This was its revealing and deeply troubling answer:
3 Key Ways People of Faith Made Their Mark on 2022 Elections, and Beyond
Few saw clear victory — however, a significant number of votes for values that are pro-family, pro-freedom, and pro-life provide three clear takeaways from the midterm elections.
No, Latino Christians Do Not Support Abortion
A recent poll conducted for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and My Faith Votes tested attitudes toward abortion among Latino voters.
Post Election Thoughts: A message from the CEO
Elections come and go. This is a process that will never end because we live in a broken world. To keep the proper perspective, it helps to remember our assignment, which is not fixed on “winning” elections. Our call is simple...we PRAY for our nation, we THINK biblically about issues, and we VOTE…in every election. The results belong to God.
My Faith Votes moves people of faith from pews to polls with 100k+ church outreach campaign
Campaign alerts 100,000+ pastors to key ballot issues in their states including abortion and marijuana.
My Faith Votes on Kirk Cameron's Election Special
Be sure to watch Friday, November 4 at 8 & 10 pm (ET) on TBN or the TBN app.
4 Reasons Disengaged Christians Don’t Vote and How to Change That
Two-thirds of Christians vote—obeying Christ’s command to be salt and light in our world. But a significant minority won’t, choosing to hide their heads in the sand and avoid politics rather than bring the light of their Christian influence into the darkened corners of culture. But that’s precisely the environment into which Christ calls us to take the hope of the gospel.
5 States to Vote on Marijuana; Outcomes Could be Disastrous
It’s imperative that we, as Christians, are able to understand what’s really going on and why we need to be informed before the disastrous consequences of legalized drugs are heaped upon us. The result of allowing “a little sin” will only enable this cancer to metastasize and grow.
My Faith Votes ‘Write Now’ get out the vote campaign reaches 600,000 eligible voters
Postcard and letter-writing campaign mobilizes hundreds of thousands ahead of midterms.
New poll: Hispanic evangelicals say ‘game over’ to Democrats over abortion policies
Hispanics keep moving right, led by evangelicals. September poll commissioned by My Faith Votes and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, conducted by Heart & Mind Strategies.
A Conversation with Lt. Col. Allen West: What's At Stake
With over 100,000 elections taking place in 2022, there is a lot at stake for our communities, states, and nation this year. Jason Yates, My Faith Votes CEO, candidly talks with Lt. Col. Allen West about the critical upcoming Midterm Election...and that it all boils down to individual rights.
My Faith Votes CEO, Jason Yates, issues the following statement in response to POTUS’ proposed “student debt forgiveness” plan
My Faith Votes to host fourth annual 'National Voter Registration Sunday' Sept. 18
National Voter Registration Sunday is an annual event for churches across the nation to encourage their congregations to engage civically and register to vote. It is a non-partisan effort, hosted every third Sunday of September, that does not endorse any candidate or political party. Instead, National Voter Registration Sunday is about encouraging Christians to bring the solutions of their faith to the ballot box.
Survey Results: This is Your #1 issue Going Into the 2022 Midterm Election
We recently sent out a survey to My Faith Votes followers, asking “What is the most important issue to you this year?” When we compiled the results, we were reminded (once again) of the profound opportunity before us this midterm election cycle.
A Conversation with Billy Hallowell: How to Discern Truth in Biased News
We all know that the news can be overwhelming. The headlines and sound bites are all meant to influence how we see the world around us. So, it’s critical to understand how we interpret it, what the news is really trying to say, and the agendas behind it.
A Conversation with E.W. Jackson: The lie of "Separation of Church and State"
E.W. Jackson joins Jason Yates to challenge Christians to stand and take action in the public square. Discussing some of the cultural lies intended to convince Christians to not be active in the voting booth, Jackson challenges us to think biblically about the issues and understand our valuable history.
My Faith Votes CEO Jason Yates on the SCOTUS Dobbs decision: "We celebrate this massive victory and continue fighting for life for all humankind.”
A Conversation with Eric Metaxas
New York Times #1 bestselling author and biographer, radio host, and public commentator, Eric Metaxas cuts to the chase in this conversation with My Faith Votes CEO, Jason Yates.
My Faith Votes ‘Write Now’ campaign secures outreach to 300,000 eligible voters in 10 days
My Faith Votes launches ‘Write Now’ postcard and letter-writing campaign ahead of midterm elections
My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan organization that mobilizes people of faith to vote in every election, has launched "Write Now” a campaign to send handwritten letters and postcards to Christian voters encouraging them to participate in the 2022 midterm elections.
A Conversation with Lucas Miles: Has Liberal Thought Hijacked the Church?
Has liberal thought hijacked the church? Pastor, author, and podcaster Lucas Miles answers that question in this engaging and eye-opening conversation with My Faith Votes CEO, Jason Yates.
A Conversation with Rebecca Friedrichs: Taking on Teachers Unions
With more parents becoming aware of the issues facing our schools through the attention being brought to school boards and the curriculum being pushed, our conversation with Rebecca looks at the surprising power that the teachers unions have and the need for teachers to be aware of where their dues are really being used.
If You Can Vote, You Can Advance the Kingdom of God
God used my story to cultivate a personal burden in my heart for young mothers and the unborn. I thank God for entrusting me to participate in this work alongside him.
My Faith Votes CEO, Jason Yates: President Biden ‘spits in the face of the Constitution’
'American Idol' finalist on why some Gen Zers and millennials don't vote
People need to know that we need to be in the world. We don’t have a darkness problem. We have a light problem. I think it is time that we rise and shine. I believe it’s time that we start voting, that we start speaking up, that we start showing up in government.
My Faith Votes offers Virginia's pastors questions for Vice President Kamala Harris’ church tour
As the integrity of the Virginia Governors campaign comes under scrutiny, My Faith Votes releases the following questions for pastors to seek clarification from Vice President Harris on issues that specifically concern people of faith.
Virginians, are you ready to vote?
Gaining an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the levels of government can make it easier to understand why our actions and decisions in voting today will determine the future of the Commonwealth of Virginia for our children tomorrow.
My Faith Votes to host third annual 'National Voter Registration Sunday' Sept. 26
National Voter Registration Sunday is an annual event for churches across the nation to encourage their congregations to engage civically and register to vote. It is a non-partisan effort, hosted every fourth Sunday of September, that does not endorse any candidate or political party. Instead, National Voter Registration Sunday is about encouraging Christians to bring the solutions of their faith into the ballot box.
A Conversation with Don Bentley
A decorated veteran of the War in Afghanistan, Don Bentley, shares his feelings as he has watched the evacuation unfold.
If Fraud Exists, What's the Point of Voting?
If we have heard it once, we have heard it a thousand times. It is time to address this mentality among Christians.
Empowered to Take Action
Sound the alarm! The train has left the station and teeters on the edge of a deep canyon as it speeds down a wobbly track. Our stomachs feel queasy and our palms sweat as we round another bend. Oh no! Fear grips us as we see that the bridge ahead is out! We try to get the attention of the engineer, but we see that he is asleep at the controls. What can we do?
A Conversation with NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson
From concerned citizen to Lt. Gov in two years, Mark Robinson is blazing a new trail in North Carolina politics and standing for biblical values in all he does.
A Conversation with Craig Huey: 7 Non-Negotiables for Christian Voters
Christians have tremendous influence in our communities, state, and nation when we vote and stand for biblical values. Craig Huey shares how.
My Faith Votes launches 'Election Integrity Now' protecting security of U.S. elections
My Faith Votes campaigns to reach 1 million Christian voters in Georgia ahead of Jan. 5 special election
Should Christians Be Involved In Politics?
Could it be that things have digressed over the years since the founding of our nation because godly men and women abdicated their responsibilities and feared standing up for truth? That too many of us have pursued our own desires and failed to repent of our sins, honor the Great Commission to bring people to Jesus, disciple them, and teach them our godly heritage?
Jaci Velasquez and Evan Craft join My Faith Votes to mobilize Hispanic Christians to vote
Contemporary Christian singers Jaci Valesquez and Evan Craft have joined My Faith Votes — a nonpartisan, faith-based organization — as spokespeople to encourage members of the Hispanic Christian community to vote in the upcoming elections.
My Faith Votes launches ‘Our Workplace Votes,’ partners with C12 to equip Christian business leaders and employees to vote
A Letter to Pastors on a Biblical Requirement to Vote
It is imperative that Christian pastors and leaders are not delinquent in their responsibility to address their congregations about current political and social issues. This is especially important because only 1 out of every 4 Christians in America votes. 25 million registered Christians do not vote and there are 15 million Christians who are not even registered to vote.
My Faith Votes mobilizes churches to host ‘Voter Registration Sunday’ on Sept. 20, registering Christians to vote in November
My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan organization that mobilizes people of faith to vote in local, state and national elections, will observe its second annual national “Voter Registration Sunday” on Sept. 20 in an effort to register Christians to vote in the upcoming November national and local elections.
Three Reasons Why Christians Should Vote
The Bible explicitly expresses an obligation to our government that is derived from God’s authority. As Americans, we are allowed the unique opportunity to influence our laws. For Christians, this means we must bring our biblical worldview to the public square.
Four Myths About Christian Political Engagement
As Christians, it’s easy to look at politics and want to walk away altogether. It’s much harder—and much more necessary—to engage in politics as one way of impacting our society. The question is: how do we engage in politics without compromising the gospel?
A Prayer for America
Lord, this is a dark and dangerous time for our country. Our politics is full of hate, and it is spilling over in how we think of and treat each other.
19th Amendment Centennial: Women Have the Right to Vote for What They Believe
As the political noise between now and Nov. 3 increases and identity politics become more pronounced, my hope is that women will remember that those who fought for our right to vote wanted us to think critically and independently. We must decide what we value most and let our faith and beliefs—not merely our gender—guide our vote.
America's Civil Wars - Then and Now
What an ominous time this is for our 244-year-old republic. Its future hangs in the balance. The choices we make on November 3rd will send this nation down one of two dramatically different paths. The wrong decision will be catastrophic.
Initiative Seeks to Increase Evangelical Vote in November: 'Churches Alone Can Make All the Difference'
Our Church Votes, an outgrowth of My Faith Votes, is a bipartisan nationwide campaign that seeks "to encourage church attendees to register to vote in upcoming national and local elections and to educate themselves on the issues most important to people of faith."
New Initiative Urges All Christians to Vote in November
“We are trying to reach every church. We are trying to call every church in America that follows Christ, that believes the Bible is true. We’re asking each and every church to engage their congregation and to hold at least one voter registration drive before the elections to encourage and equip the attendees, the members of their church, to be a part of this process,” Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, told The Christian Post. Our Church Votes, which is an initiative of My Faith Votes,
July 4 – Remember America’s Founding Ideal
America has come a long way since 1776 because men and women who believe in our founding ideal fought for them to become a reality in our nation. This election year, it’s up to us to play our part in this story by voting for leaders who will protect our constitutional rights.
My Faith Votes Conversation with Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.)
Watch our insightful conversation with My Faith Votes National Spokesperson, Lt. Col. Allen West, as we discussed a wide range of questions taken from viewers which included the November 3 elections, Black Lives Matters, and other current topics.
A Message from our Founder and President
An important message and prayer for our nation from our Founder and President, Sealy Yates
My Faith Votes selects Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.) as Spokesperson
“Voting is a privilege and a blessing that every Christian should enjoy. Now I have the opportunity to share that blessing by empowering and equipping people of faith alongside My Faith Votes, an initiative that is vital to the health of the church and the country,” says Lt. Col. West.
Evangelical leaders launch ‘Our Church Votes’ to rapidly increase voter registration state by state, beginning in Virginia, Georgia, California
My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan movement that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to participate in elections, has launched Our Church Votes, a campaign to equip pastors and encourage church attendees to register to vote in upcoming national and local elections, beginning in Virginia, Georgia, and California.
How the Left and the Right View COVID-19
Can a virus be political? Recent research suggests many people are viewing the Coronavirus crisis through an ideological lens. Here are a few reasons why politics are affecting how people approach the coronavirus disease.
Election Watch - May 12, 2020
A Bellwether Special Election, and COVID’s Influence on Voting
State Election Date Changes Due to COVID-19 (as of 5/15/20)
Check here to see if your state has made any election date changes or requirements for voting.
The Importance of Local Elections
How states and cities respond to the Coronavirus outbreak will have massive ramifications on citizens' lives and their quality of life.
My Faith Votes Conversation with Gov. Mike Huckabee
Watch our conversation with Gov. Mike Huckabee to hear his valuable insight on elections in the face of the coronavirus.
My Faith Votes Survey: 6 in 10 Christians have an even higher view of President Trump during COVID-19 crisis
Six in ten self-identified Christians said they have an even higher view of President Trump because of his leadership during the COVID-19 crisis, according to a survey of over 10,000 people conducted by the nonpartisan voter mobilization group My Faith Votes.
National Voter Registration Sunday Success
My Faith Votes volunteers and church leaders across 42 states participated in the first-ever National Voter Registration Sunday.
Every Vote Matters
With over 80,000 local and state elections taking place across the nation this year, it’s important to look back on just how incredibly close some of the state legislative races were in 2018.
Our Constitution is Remarkable
Constitution. For most people that word brings to mind the image of an old, fragile piece of parchment. But consider the word a little longer than that initial image. What does constitution really mean?
Faith Takeaway Points from Trump’s 2020 Announcement
On Tuesday evening, President Trump delivered his official 2020 presidential announcement speech to a packed arena of supporters in Florida, where he discussed his accomplishments from his time in office and his goals for the future.
My Faith Votes’ ‘Because I Care’ Campaign Equips 325,000 Students on 117 Christian Colleges to Vote in Midterms
Because of the efforts of My Faith Votes and im2moro the youngest generation of Christian voters on campuses across the country have been prepared to vote, and more importantly, they recognize voting is not a partisan act, it is a biblical act that brings faith into the communities.
Gov. Mike Huckabee, Bishop Harry Jackson and Jason Yates Explain ‘Why Your Vote Matters’ on TBN’s ‘Huckabee’
“We want believers to pray, think about the issues from a biblical worldview, get informed about those issues and then vote from that biblical worldview.” -Jason Yates, CEO My Faith Votes
Should School Choice Matter to Christians?
This is an issue that many believe is too complicated, better left to the educational experts and our government officials to solve. Yet, it’s an issue that gambles with the future of our children. And more importantly, it’s one that scripture speaks to clearly...
Tomorrow, Christians Will Choose Our Next World Leader
Each of us makes thousands of decisions every day. Some decisions are good ones; eat a healthy meal, do something special to honor our spouse, purpose to play with our children. Some decisions are not so good; order that extra fast food item we didn’t need, sleep in and skip the gym, watch our favorite TV episode in lieu of reading our Bible. Just like this election, no matter what life brings in our paths, EVERY decision has at least two options; one would have a positive effect and the other a negative.