My Faith Votes CEO Jason Yates: ‘Another sinister effort by the Biden administration to shove socialist, progressive policies down the throats of Americans’
If we desire a more perfect union, then we need to read the Constitution -Mike Huckabee
The title deed to our freedom is in this extraordinary document called the Constitution. In our current political climate, I am confident that many of our judges and members of Congress have not even read the contents of that deed. But that's no excuse for us.
My Faith Votes issues urgent call to defend filibuster, "The alternative is a cultural revolution by fiat."
Immigration Solutions or Political Games?
The politics in Washington D.C. are raging at an all-time high. It’s becoming difficult to distinguish between our representatives who serve on Capitol Hill and actors in a drama.
What You Must Know about the Equality Act
Equality. It is a word that has helped spark movements and revolutionary change around the globe. It is a powerful word representing opportunity, fairness, and equal rights for every person under the law.
My Faith Votes Applauds Bipartisan Effort in ‘Fighting for the Vulnerable’
There is no greater purpose than for our leaders to uphold the dignity of every person, and this legislation is a fantastic step forward in the fight to protect the life and liberty of those threatened by sexual exploitation.
Congressional Fund to Cover-up Sexual Harassment
Since 1997, there have been more than 200 secret payouts, totaling $17 million. While not every payout in the fund is for sexual misconduct, one payout is one too many.
My Faith Votes Constituents Set New Agenda for Congress, with Term Limits among Top Priorities
In a recent survey conducted with thousands of its constituents, nonpartisan organization My Faith Votes has identified the top issues Christians want Congress to focus on as senators and representatives return to session this September.
My Faith Votes Calls for Unity after Attack on Congressional Leaders, Including Majority Whip Steve Scalise
Let’s then set anger aside from both our mouths and our hearts, and instead let’s seek peace and the common good. America is strongest when, in the midst of our diversity and differences, we can still come together.
We Went to Congress to Deliver a Letter, but God Had Us There to Pray
We wanted to communicate to our lawmakers that to us, as Christians, the Bible is the most important book, and that governing according to it is our first and highest desire. Religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the defense of the role of family in society, and care for those in need are all Christian principles we want our lawmakers to support.
George Barna: Worldview And The State Of The Church (Video)
What does it mean to have a biblical worldview? Do the majority of Americans hold a biblical worldview? George Barna of the American Culture & Faith Institute recently conducted a massive research study on this topic, and the results may surprise you.