My Faith Votes | Statements


September 6, 2017
My Faith Votes Calls on Congress to Find a Permanent and Compassionate Solution for Dreamers
President Trump’s action on DACA is understood given the legal challenges it faces, and we thank him for giving Congress a six-month window to finally enact legislation that permanently fixes the shortcomings of DACA.

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August 23, 2017
It’s time for Congress to Live Like Us

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July 13, 2017
My Faith Votes Chairman Sealy Yates Releases Statement after Praying for President Trump in the Oval Office
I was deeply honored to join Vice President Pence and 25 other evangelical Christian leaders from around America in the Oval Office to pray for our country and for President Trump.

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June 28, 2017
The Millions-Strong Constituency of My Faith Votes Calls Journalists to a Higher Standard, after CNN tape
Our country finds itself in an extremely sensitive moment. Americans deserve more from the press, and they deserve the truth. Otherwise trust in our sacred free press will continue to be eroded, and the press will be guilty of the very indiscretions of which they accuse our politicians.

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June 14, 2017
My Faith Votes Calls for Unity after Attack on Congressional Leaders, Including Majority Whip Steve Scalise

Let’s then set anger aside from both our mouths and our hearts, and instead let’s seek peace and the common good. America is strongest when, in the midst of our diversity and differences, we can still come together.

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June 7, 2017
My Faith Votes Reacts to VP Pence's Speech at Catholic National Prayer Breakfast
Our president and vice president have extended an unprecedented open invitation to Christians to practice their faith publicly and without fear. It is up to us now to seize this invitation and to make our voices heard in our communities

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