My Faith Votes | Statements


November 22, 2017
Gov. Mike Huckabee, Honorary National Chairman of My Faith Votes, Releases Thanksgiving Statement

Here’s the undeniable, historical truth about Thanksgiving: It’s an American holiday explicitly created to remind us that God is the great source of every blessing.

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November 17, 2017
My Faith Votes Survey Finds Evangelicals Want Tax Reform
In an internal survey of over 3,000 politically active Evangelical voters, My Faith Votes found that an overwhelming majority — 95 percent — support the effort to “significantly reform the tax code in America.” Only a fraction, 3.3 percent, opposed Congress’ current tax reform efforts.

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October 25, 2017
My Faith Votes Mobilizes Christians to Vote in Douglas County School Board Election
In partnership with CFA Foundation, Colorado’s family policy council, My Faith Votes delivered 25,000 voter guides through 65 churches and private schools in Douglas County, Colorado

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October 4, 2017
BREAKING: House Passes Late-Term Abortion Ban
This Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted 237-189 against to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill was based on scientific evidence that at 20 weeks — and perhaps even earlier — fetuses have developed receptors capable of making them feel pain.

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September 12, 2017
Sen. Feinstein questioning a judicial nominee’s faith is ‘unacceptable and borderline unconstitutional’
Sen. Feinstein owes an apology to judicial nominee Amy Barrett and, for that matter, the American people. Her questioning of Barrett’s Catholic faith during her judicial confirmation hearing was completely unacceptable and borderline unconstitutional.

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September 6, 2017
My Faith Votes Constituents Set New Agenda for Congress, with Term Limits among Top Priorities

In a recent survey conducted with thousands of its constituents, nonpartisan organization My Faith Votes has identified the top issues Christians want Congress to focus on as senators and representatives return to session this September.

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