2018 Will Be A Critical Year for America – But Are We Ready?
It is essential as Christians that we are aware of all that’s at stake in 2018. We need to know now who is really “in” to make a difference in 2018.
It’s hard to believe we are about to enter 2018 – another critical election year. You may think it’s too early to begin talking about elections, but I assure you – it’s not. In fact, if we don’t start now we will be far behind the progressives left.
There are thousands of groups across the nation that have mobilized at a grassroots level to fundraise and volunteer to ensure a progressive ideology infiltrates our state governments and Washington D.C. come November. We’re monitoring their progress and I’m disappointed to tell you they are outpacing the Christian efforts to redeem our culture.
It is essential as Christians that we are aware of all that’s at stake in 2018. We need to know now who is really “in” to make a difference in 2018.
Here are the important 2018 elections across the country.
- Our entire U.S. House of Representatives will be holding elections to secure 435 seats.
- There are 33 Senate seats up for grabs. Roughly 10 Senate races will be critical and progressives are fighting harder than ever to take over the Senate. This will determine the selection of hundreds of judges and, all most without doubt another Supreme Court Justice.
- Out of our 50 states, 36 states will be holding gubernatorial races to choose their governor.
- There will be 728 school board races out of our nation’s 1,000 largest school districts amounting to a total of 2,288 school board seats to be determined, representing one-third of children in America.
- Roughly 82% of state legislative seats across the country are holding elections. 7,382 state legislative seats will be filled. That is 25% more state legislative elections than last year. 2018 will be a huge year for state policy and we know it is often state policy that decides the protection for sanctity of life and religious liberty.
Midterm elections historically have always had a lower voter turnout than Presidential elections. The last time in history that midterm election turnout exceeded a presidential election turnout was back in 1838.
The predictions are already out for the 2018 midterm elections. One study estimates 40 million voters that cast a ballot in 2016 won’t vote in the 2018 midterm elections. And it’s not like our voter turnout was high in 2016. Only 58% of Americans exercised their God-given right to select their leaders.
Compare this to other parts of the world – and America’s voter turnout is embarrassing. The U.S. ranks 31 out of 35 developed countries in voter turnout. Turkey, for example, has a voter turnout of 84% and Belgium 87%. Because in other nations around the world the leaders people select to rule over them dramatically affect their lives. They understand freedom is precious and it takes an informed and active people to obtain it and protect it.
In America, we have been given so much freedom – we have taken it for granted. This cannot continue to be our story.
You’ve heard us say – there were 25 million evangelical Christians who were registered to vote but failed to cast a ballot in 2012. And there are over 90 million evangelicals in America today.
When we unite and take a stand for biblical values, we become the most powerful voting block in the history of our nation…if we vote.
In 2018, My Faith Votes will mobilize people of faith across the country, in churches, on University campuses, through television ads, social media, and utilizing voting technology that in 2016 yielded a voter turnout of 89%, far surpassing the national average, and far surpassing other voter engagement initiatives.
We want you to unite with us and be part of that story in 2018.
Take a stand and pledge to vote in the 2018 midterm elections.
Pledge Now
Do not be one of the projected 40 million Americans who will neglect their God-given opportunity and responsibility to cast a vote and select Godly leaders. Take a stand today. Voting is a bold declaration of our faith, and a real way to stand united for Jesus within our culture.
We the people, a movement of 90 million Christians, can create an America where God is honored and Biblical values permeate our culture. It’s time we unite and stand together, so that American stands strong for God.
My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.
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