This week's focus: Peace
While visiting Israel, the tour guide pointed to a valley between two hills not far from the Sea of Galilee. He said, “That could be the valley David spoke about when he penned the 23rd Psalm. ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.’”
With no place to hide while traveling through an exposed valley surrounded by high ground, David relied on God’s presence and protection. I love that he wrote “the valley of the shadow of death” rather than “the valley of death.” As a child of God, he must have understood what many of us forget—that shadows have no power. A shadow can’t block our path, cause physical harm, or overpower us because it has no substance. A shadow isn’t tangible but is cast by something that is. This Psalm is incredibly comforting, considering what Jesus did for us on the cross. Our Great Shepherd faced the tangible reality of death so we wouldn’t have to. Because of His victory, we face only the shadow of death. For those who belong to Jesus, our lives are eternally secure with Him.
We will all walk through dark valleys on our journey home. However, we don’t have to be covered in the shadow of despair, confusion, depression, or fear because faith isn’t afraid of the dark. When we allow God to be our refuge, He draws us close and hides in the shadow of His wings. Despite what our eyes may see, we can confidently say, “I will not fear, for You are with me.”
by: Jennifer McAlister, Communications, My Faith Votes
Psalm 63:7
“For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.”
Prayer Points:
Prayer: Father, thank you for surrounding your children with protection, comfort, and love. May Your shadow be the only one that covers us.
Think: “When we cannot see the sunshine of God’s face, it is blessed to cower down beneath the shadow of his wings.” - Charles Spurgeon
Act: Prepare your heart for Christmas by reading a chapter a day from the Gospel book of Luke from December first through Christmas Eve. The book of Luke has 24 chapters, so when we finish on Christmas Eve, we’ll have read about the life of Jesus.
We want to see God honored in America, and we pray for an unprecedented spiritual awakening.
This devotion was produced in partnership with Every Home for Christ.
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