Draw Back
This week's focus: Strength
Years ago, my husband tried his hand at woodworking. Before long, our house had a new coffee table, chest, bread box, and—something we didn’t need but he thought was cool—a trebuchet. Not knowing what it was, he explained that it was a type of catapult used in medieval warfare. The long arm of this weapon would draw back before launching a heavy projectile towards its intended target. (Before I could protest, he assured me it was simply a conversation piece for his man cave.) The trebuchet now resides in our attic, but yesterday, it came to my mind while reading about the importance of drawing back.
The Bible reveals that Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray. Just as a trebuchet’s arm must draw back before launching, Jesus understood that His time alone with the Father provided new supplies of strength and power to propel Him forward in His mission. The demands of life pushed Jesus to prayer, not from it.
As Jesus experienced, we live in a world of never-ending problems, noise, and distractions. It takes discipline to lay down our phones, schedules, and plans and “draw back,” but it’s the most important thing we can do. In this humble position, God begins to act on our behalf as we seek Him first. In this quiet place, He encourages our hearts, soothes our souls, guides our decisions, and makes us brave. Most importantly, He provides the strength and power that launches us forward.
While we may not engage in battles with ancient artillery, we can draw inspiration from the trebuchet’s lesson in our spiritual warfare. Imagine the tension when this weapon’s arm pulls back into a seemingly vulnerable position. It’s at this point that unseen power is activated. Similarly, our prayers are power under tension, poised for release in God’s perfect timing.
Today and every day, may we prioritize the important over the urgent and make time to draw back.
by: Jennifer McAlister for My Faith Votes
Luke 5:16
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Prayer Points:
Pray: Dear Lord, In a world of problems and pain, thank You for being our hiding place. May we always seek You first. We love You, Lord, Amen.
Think: I have so many things to do today, I dare not ignore my time with God.- Martin Luther
Act: Have you seen the movie, Unsung Hero, by the Christian music group, For King and Country? It’s an inspiring true story that reinforces the power of prayer, family, and a mom’s faith.
We want to see God honored in America, and we pray for an unprecedented spiritual awakening.
This devotion was produced in partnership with Every Home for Christ.
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