Disciplined in Prayer
This week's focus: Steadfastness
When my daughter was in high school, her friend walked into her room, looked around, then picked up a shirt and threw it on the floor. “Why’d you do that?” exclaimed my daughter. Her more organized friend replied, “This mess didn’t just happen. It had to take work and discipline to achieve this level of chaos. I saw one bare section on your carpet and realized you missed a spot.” My daughter has since outgrown her messy bedroom ways, but I’ve always remembered the comment, “This didn’t just happen…it takes work to achieve this level of chaos.”
When we turn on the news, we see a mess that didn’t just happen. It took effort to achieve the turmoil we are witnessing in our nation. Dark forces are at work to cause disorder, chaos, and destruction, and, unfortunately, many deceived people are cooperating with the enemy. In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah described those inviting judgment on the land as stupid and foolish in their discipline of delusion (see Jeremiah 10:8 NASB1995).
We can’t deny that those bent toward evil are committed to their delusional actions. Knowing this, God’s children must be as headstrong as they are. We don’t want the “sons of this world to be more shrewd than the sons of light” (Luke 16:8). Our world is in disarray, which should compel us to do the most powerful thing we can do: pray. When we converse with our Commander-in-Chief, we open the door to victory. Prayer is warfare, powerful, and required. When we pray, the Holy Spirit directs our steps and reminds us that the battle is the Lord’s.
If we want to help clean up this mess, we must be committed to prayer, bold in our actions, and dependent on the Lord. Soon, disorder and turmoil will bow down to peace, but until Jesus returns, let’s put in the same effort as the “sons of this world” and tirelessly fight the good fight. We may be weary in the pursuit, but it will be worth it when we hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
by: Jennifer McAlister for My Faith Votes
Ephesians 6:18
“praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints”
Prayer Points:
Pray: Dear Lord, We praise You for being willing to clean every heart that surrenders to You. In appreciation for saving us from the mess we were in, we ask for a steadfast spirit that is courageous and dependent on You. We desire to be eager to obey, pray, and trust You completely.
Think: “God does nothing but by prayer and everything with it.” - John Wesley
Act: Psalm 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you!” Using My Faith Votes’ Israel Prayer Points, pray for peace and redemption in Israel and the Middle East.
We want to see God honored in America, and we pray for an unprecedented spiritual awakening.
This devotion was produced in partnership with Every Home for Christ.
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