My Faith Votes | News


May 3, 2017
Alabama Advances Faith-Based Measures

My Faith Votes commends Alabama legislators for recently approving two important measures for the faith community. The first allows voters to decide if a “right to life” protection will be included in the state’s constitution. The second would grant religious freedom protections to adoption service providers.

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April 7, 2017
My Faith Votes' Board Member, Johnnie Moore, Receives Medal of Valor

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April 5, 2017
George Barna: Worldview And The State Of The Church (Video)

What does it mean to have a biblical worldview? Do the majority of Americans hold a biblical worldview? George Barna of the American Culture & Faith Institute recently conducted a massive research study on this topic, and the results may surprise you.

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February 11, 2017
To Ban Or Not To Ban?

Looking back over the last many months of electrifying and sometimes offensive comments made by many in the media and political spheres regarding the refugee issue, it is no surprise how the issue of the refugee and travel ban has become so emotional and sensitive. From a Christian perspective, it really is a difficult topic to navigate.

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December 29, 2016
Obama Administration Dishonors Israel, Breaking Decades Long Tradition

For the first time in thirty-six years, the United States has refused to protect Israel’s borders. On December 23, 2016, in a blatant and dishonoring move and under the cover of the holiday weekend, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to pass U.N. Resolution 2334 which condemns Israel for its settlement growth in Eastern Jerusalem.

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November 7, 2016
Tomorrow, Christians Will Choose Our Next World Leader

Each of us makes thousands of decisions every day. Some decisions are good ones; eat a healthy meal, do something special to honor our spouse, purpose to play with our children. Some decisions are not so good; order that extra fast food item we didn’t need, sleep in and skip the gym, watch our favorite TV episode in lieu of reading our Bible. Just like this election, no matter what life brings in our paths, EVERY decision has at least two options; one would have a positive effect and the other a negative.

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