
2017 Election Results Rundown

We Stand With You

Millions Act Because of Hope NOT Fear
In the midst of heated political debate - political engagement is most often birthed from fear, but not always! Listen to Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, as he shares how My Faith Votes acts not because of fear but because of great hope.

The Battle for Georgia's 6th and the Purpose of American Democracy

My Heart On The Line
“Before my son became a Marine, I never thought much about who was defending me. Now when I read of the war on terrorism or the coming conflict in Iraq, it cuts to my heart. When I see a picture of a member of our military who has been killed, I read his or her name very carefully. Sometimes I cry.

A Step Forward For Religious Liberty
Last Thursday in the Rose Garden on the White House lawn, on the very same day as the National Day of Prayer, President Donald J. Trump signed the Presidential Executive Order, “Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.” You can read this brief Presidential Executive Order here.