Join us for the National Day of Prayer Service
America, it's time to pray.
World Outreach Church with Pastor Allen Jackson provides an inspiring time of worship and teaching, along with an interview with Pastor Rob Morgan, author of 100 Bible Verses that Made America: Defining Moments That Shaped Our Enduring Foundation of Faith, discussing Biblical lessons from critical moments in our nation’s history.

Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, Americans were unnerved by the politics of the 2020 elections and the intractable problems facing our planet. The President’s National Day of Prayer declaration maintains a long and hallowed pattern that began in Colonial times. And it isn’t a one-day event. We are to live out what Franklin D. Roosevelt called “a continuance of prayer.” Download the E-Book to read about America’s unique history of turning to God in prayer during times of crisis.

This is a brief yet powerful prayer guide for us to unite in prayer. The guide contains six specific prayer points along with scripture to pray for this unprecedented time.