

God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is a powerful film about the complex relationship between faith and politics, and it hits theaters tomorrow, September 12th! Get your tickets today and learn more at

In this week's Intersect, read about:

Top Moments in Trump-Harris Debate: Christianity and Abortion, 'Venezuela on steroids’ and Rally Size

"The presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday night marked the first time the two have appeared on stage together since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race following a widely panned performance in a debate with Trump earlier this year and installed Harris as his successor. Moderated by ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis, the debate touched upon several topics, including the economy, abortion, illegal immigration and foreign policy.” Read more at The Christian Post


  • President Trump and Vice President Harris both laid out their plans to address many of the issues that are top of mind for Americans—including the economy, immigration, abortion, and so much more. President Trump repeatedly emphasized that Vice President Harris is largely responsible for today’s poor economy and chaotic immigration, while Vice President Harris attempted to tie President Trump to Project 2025—something President Trump has repeatedly told the media he has had nothing to do with.
  • One thing was certainly clear following last night’s debate, both candidates are diametrically opposed on almost every issue, and millions of Americans will have to choose between the two plans laid out when they head to the polls this November. They will have to choose between disciplined spending and reckless spending, the protection of life and the destruction of it, a secure country and an open country, the protection of religious liberty and the annihilation of it.
  • As November 5th gets closer, accusations will fly, and political punches will be thrown from both sides of the aisle. This is when it becomes increasingly important for us, as Christians, to look at everything with discernment. 1 John 4:1 says, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” May we view everything we see and hear with a biblical worldview, testing it to see if it aligns with the biblical principles God has ordained in the Scriptures.


Lord, please give us the wisdom and discernment necessary to vote biblically in this election. And please give us the energy and stamina to continue to advocate for the virtues and values You outline in Your Holy Word. Amen.


We are less than two months away from one of the most critical elections in our lifetime. Are you committed to vote biblically on November 5th and encourage your friends and family to do the same? Pledge to Vote here.

‘Optics Over Security’: House Committee Faults Biden-Harris Admin For Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal In New Report

“The House Foreign Affairs Committee released a report on Sunday detailing the Biden-Harris administration’s failures that led to the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021. The Biden-Harris administration failed to properly coordinate and adhere to recommendations from NATO and senior military officials regarding the withdrawal, endangering American troops and resulting in the Abbey Gate suicide bombing that left 13 service members dead, according to the 354 page report.” read more at the Daily Caller


  • The report states, “…the committee majority offers nothing but the highest praise and the deepest gratitude for the brave U.S. servicemembers and foreign service officers who risked their lives to carry out the NEO [Noncombatant Evacuation Operations] in August of 2021, despite being set up for failure by political leadership.” It accuses the Biden/Harris administration of failing to adequately prepare for the evacuation, leaving Afghan allies behind, letting terrorist groups settle in Afghanistan, and lying to the American people about the mission’s failures.
  • Democratic members of the committee released their own report, pushing back against the claim that the administration failed to adequately prepare, and placing much blame on former President Trump for his deal with the Taliban.
  • The three-year anniversary of our Afghanistan withdrawal and the deaths of 13 servicemembers should remind us of the life-and-death consequences of who we place in office…and who they appoint to oversee our national security. It’s rare to find a leader like King David who readily admits his guilt (1 Chronicles 21:17). Even then, the consequences for the nation can still be very great.


Heavenly Father, comfort the families of those who gave their lives for our country. Thank You for their bravery. We need justice and wisdom in our government. Help us and our leaders to repent of our sins and seek You. In the name of Jesus, our Lord, amen.


According to Open Doors, “the entire country is ruled by a strict interpretation of Islam. This means that Christians in Afghanistan face difficulties wherever they are.” These believers desperately need our prayers. Learn more about what life in Afghanistan is like for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and how you can pray for them.

Georgia Police Charge Teenage Shooter, Father with Murder

“The 14-year-old suspect in Wednesday’s shooting at Apalachee High School appeared in Barrow County Superior Court Friday after authorities charged him with four counts of murder. Colt Gray is accused of killing two of his fellow students, two teachers, and injuring nine others. He could face additional charges and will be tried as an adult, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.” read more at WORLD


  • Disturbing details about this tragedy are being revealed. The then-13-year-old and his father were interviewed by local police last year about school shooting threats the boy had allegedly made online, but authorities said they did not have enough evidence to charge him at that time. His father is being charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of second-degree cruelty to children for letting his son have a firearm “with knowledge he was a threat to himself and others.”
  • This story also raises concerns about school safety. The shooter’s mother, who was divorced from his father, called the school roughly 30 minutes before the shooting to warn them that she had gotten a cryptic text from her son. But the school officials apparently pulled the wrong student out of class.
  • People are understandably asking how this could have been prevented and who shares the blame. Those are worthy questions that can prompt each of us to think about the state of our own families and schools. But in addition to answers, the families and survivors desperately need the comfort of Jesus through His people who will mourn with them (Romans 12:15).


Heavenly Father, thank You that you don’t hide Your face from evil (Psalm 10:11,14). One day You will bring perfect justice. Bring comfort to the families who were impacted by this evil act. Help Your church to minister to this hurting community in the name of Jesus


God intended for children to be raised in strong families bound by strong marriages. This is not a safeguard against all evil, yet it can enormously influence children’s well-being and faith. Download our Prayer Guide for Strong Marriages and Families, and start praying today. When families fall, society falls.

A 9/11 Anniversary Tradition Is Handed Down to A New Generation

“A poignant phrase echoes when 9/11 victims' relatives gather each year to remember the loved ones they lost in the terror attacks. ‘I never got to meet you.’ It is the sound of generational change at ground zero, where relatives read out victims' names on every anniversary of the attacks. Nearly 3,000 people were killed when al-Qaida hijackers crashed four jetliners into the twin towers, the Pentagon and a field in southwest Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001.” read more at ABC News


  • It’s been 23 years since September 11, 2001—a day that is forever imprinted on the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. Since that day, an entire generation of Americans has grown up, entered the workforce, and started to build their families—many of whom have a family member who was murdered on that dreadful day. May the victims of that day and the grief that permanently lives in the hearts of the victims’ families never be forgotten.
  • If 9/11 revealed nothing else about America and her citizens, it did reveal that we are a resilient people and country. In the days, weeks, and months following, and in the face of unimaginable loss and fear, Americans came together to rebuild and restore what once was. And every year since, Americans gather together in their local communities or tune in to the national media to remember those we lost and reflect on how far we’ve come since.
  • Today, many Americans are apprehensive about the future of America and fearful of the looming domestic and international threats to our country and her foundational values. But as we reflect on 9/11, may we allow our hope in God and the resilience of America to encourage us for the future of this great nation—a nation upheld by millions of patriots who were not deterred by the cowardly acts of terrorists 23 years ago and who will not be deterred by all the evil forces we face today.


Lord, we pray for the families of all those who are still grieving the tragic and sudden loss of their loved ones all those years ago. May You be near to their broken hearts. And we pray for the future of America, that we would remain resilient in the face of evil. Amen.


Almost 3,000 men and women were killed on September 11, 2021. As you reflect on that day and all who were lost, read through the names of those who died and pray for their families. You can find a full list of names here.

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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