My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - OCTOBER 23, 2024



In this week's Intersect, read about:

Christian Students in Wisconsin Speak Out After Kamala Harris Told Them They Were at the ‘Wrong Rally’

“A pair of Christian students trolled by Kamala Harris and mercilessly mocked by the crowd at her rally at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse last week insist they were ‘there for the right reasons.’ Grant Beth and Luke Polaske, both juniors at the school, told “Fox & Friends Weekend” that they felt persecuted akin to Jesus and his early followers after they shouted such things as “Christ is King!” when the Democratic vice president and presidential candidate started talking about abortion rights.” Read more at New York Post


  • Some have suggested that Vice President Harris’ remark, ‘You are at the wrong rally,’ was not directed at Beth and Polaske. However, Beth and Polaske recall standing 20 to 30 yards from Harris and making eye contact with her while speaking. This incident follows Harris’ decision to forgo attending the Al Smith Memorial Dinner, a famous dinner focused on raising money for Catholic charities. She was the first presidential candidate to miss the dinner in 40 years.
  • Vice President Harris’ response to the statement ‘Jesus is Lord’ offers great insight into the values and direction of a potential Harris-Walz administration. As Christians prepare to vote in this election, it’s worth reflecting on how our nation’s founding documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, affirm that our rights are endowed by our Creator. Considering how candidates align with and respond to these biblical principles can help us discern the potential impact they might have on the future of religious liberty in our nation.
  • My Faith Votes firmly believes that Jesus is Lord and that our Christian faith is relevant to this country and to our government. We believe that America is stronger, safer, and more prosperous when we lean into our faith and Judeo-Christian roots. That is why we advocate for every Christian to vote consistently for the candidates who are most closely aligned with the biblical principles we hold dear.


Lord, as the election draws near and Christians across the country cast their ballots, we pray that You would give them wisdom and the ability to discern the candidates’ actions and words. We pray that Your values—biblical values—would win on November 5th so that Christians might remain free to worship and live according to those values. Amen.


If biblical values are going to win, we need every Christian to get out and vote. To write a handwritten note of encouragement to Christian voters in swing states, sign up to join My Faith Votes’ Write Now campaign. Every letter counts. Every voter matters. Visit to learn more and start writing today.

Christians Are ‘Afraid’ to Apply Their Faith to Politics, Study Finds

“Christians believe they should share biblical solutions to America’s cultural issues, but they feel unequipped or “afraid,” due to cultural pressure, a new poll has found. ‘A Survey on Christian Cultural Engagement,’ which polled 1,000 evangelical Christians, was commissioned by the Institute for Faith and Culture (IFC), founded and led by Rob Pacienza of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and Truths that Transform, and carried out by Lifeway Research.” Read more at The Washington Stand


  • Of the many interesting statistics to come out of this survey, here are a few: At least 24% of Christians have given up on influencing culture; approximately 20% don’t want to correct someone who says something contrary to the Scriptures; and over 30% feel reluctant about or indifferent to sharing biblical truth with people who disagree with them.
  • It is not uncommon for many of us to blame secular society for the condition of our nation, but these statistics suggest that the church might be more to blame. If our culture is to adopt biblical values (which benefit everyone, including unbelievers), Christians must be willing to speak biblical truth to those around them. There is little chance one might be persuaded of something they have yet to hear. So, it is time for the church to step up and go on mission to ensure everyone knows who God is, what He stands for, and why He created the world the way He did.
  • Considering the study’s results, the executive director of the IFC said, “While our faith is to be a personal faith, deeply personal, it’s not to remain private. It’s to be shared with others…” God did not call us to hide His light behind a bushel. God called us to be a “city on a hill,” shining brightly for Him (Matthew 5:14-15). So, we must take advantage of the opportunities God gives us to share Jesus and His values with others—despite it being uncomfortable.


Ask the Lord to embolden those Christians who might be considering sitting out this election from fear or confusion. Pray that God would give every Christian clarity and wisdom. May we all recognize the responsibility we have been given by God to live out our faith in every area of life — including government and the public square.


To vote biblically, Christians must first think biblically. That’s why My Faith Votes developed the Think Biblically video series — a six-part series featuring prominent Christians leaders who dissect culture’s top issues with a biblical worldview. To start watching the series today, visit

FBI Quietly Updates Crime Data to Show Big Jump in Violence Under Biden-Harris Admin: 'Shocking'

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation quietly updated its 2022 crime data to show an increase in violent crimes, despite previous data showing violent crimes had fallen that year, which was touted as a victory for the Biden-Harris administration.” read more at Fox News


  • The FBI’s initial data for 2022 showed a 2.1% decrease in violent crimes compared to 2021, but the updated numbers now show a 4.5% increase. This includes 1,699 more murders, 7,780 more rapes, 33,459 more robberies and 37,091 more aggravated assaults. The FBI’s 2023 report shows a 3.5% drop in violent crime from the updated 2022 numbers. But the sudden change of the 2022 data makes you wonder if the 2023 numbers will also be revised in the future.
  • This dramatic revision is consequential for several reasons. First, it was not announced with a press release, which seems strange given that the new numbers paint such a different picture of public safety. Also, it may change some people’s evaluations of their elected officials and candidates, knowing that violent crime increased under their watch. David Mustard, a professor at the University of Georgia, commented, “This lack of transparency harms the FBI’s credibility.”
  • Protecting the public by punishing evildoers is one of the most basic God-given functions of governing authorities. (See Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:14.) But not every authority figure believes this. In addition to federal offices, consider candidates like district attorney (prosecutor), sheriff, and state attorney general. These offices may be on your ballot but are forgotten by many voters despite their great impact on law, order, and justice.


Heavenly Father, give us wisdom as we choose candidates who are responsible for public safety in our cities, schools, states, and nation. Let us and our leaders act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You (Micah 6:8). Amen.


A 16-minute documentary released Tuesday from The Heritage Foundation provides insight into why many American cities are crime-ridden—namely from the pro-criminal, anti-victim, police-hating radical agendas of district attorneys across America. Watch it here to understand the problem and what to look for in a good district attorney.

Record Early Voter Turnout in Georgia and North Carolina

“North Carolina and Georgia reported a record number of early votes after Hurricane Helene. North Carolina hit a record turnout of over 353,000 ballots on the first day of early voting. However, political science professor Christopher Cooper urged against premature celebration, saying that high early voting numbers don't mean that Hurricane Helene will not negatively affect overall voter turnout. Georgia also had a record turnout, with 1.4 million voters casting ballots as of Monday morning, accounting for 20% of Georgia's active voters.” read more at AllSides


  • It is encouraging that so many are carrying out their civic responsibility even amidst the devastation their states have experienced. We pray that a significant number of those voters are Christians who vote according to biblical principles! Our choices at the ballot box affect the laws—good or bad—under which we all live. Therefore, voting is one way to love our neighbors in this fallen world.
  • Speaking of the fallen world, ideally, elections are honest and fair. But because of humanity’s sin nature, we need measures that guard against fraud. The Department of Justice, however, is suing Virginia and Alabama for removing thousands of noncitizens from their voter rolls. The DOJ claims these states violated federal law by removing them less than 90 days before the November 5 election. According to the Daily Signal, previous Virginia governors have done the same all the way through October in election years. Governor Glenn Youngkin said, “To me, this is unprecedented, and I think it represents a Department of Justice that is trying to achieve something other than fair and free elections.”
  • Should this news discourage those of us who want to put our faith into action? Not at all! One of the most effective ways to counter any amount of election fraud is simply for enough legitimate voters to overwhelm its effects. Remember that the state officials who are trying to ensure election integrity were themselves elected. And beyond that, remember that God is sovereign and has placed us in this fallen world to “not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).


Lift up the election process and the officials, workers, and voters to God. As our Election Integrity voting guide says, One of the most powerful things we can do is to pray for our elections, asking God to protect America’s elections and deliver trustworthy results.


Help your friends vote and know who’s on their ballot by sending them to They will be able to see everyone on their ballot from the president down to their local candidates!

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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