My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - OCTOBER 2, 2024



In this week's Intersect, read about:

Vance, Walz Spar Over Abortion and Immigration in First and Only VP Debate

“Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Democrat vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz faced off Tuesday night in their first—and only—debate, sparring over issues from foreign policy to border security; abortion to climate change; and introducing themselves and their records to the American people with just five weeks to Election Day.” read more at Fox News


  • Abortion was a critical issue on which the candidates vastly disagreed. Vance said he was someone “who proudly wants to protect innocent life” and supports policies to earn “the American People's Trust back on this issue,” making it easier to afford a family, childcare, and fertility treatments. He also affirmed Trump’s belief in letting the states decide abortion policy, and criticized Walz for removing the requirement in Minnesota that doctors preserve the “life and health” of a baby born alive after a failed abortion. Walz characterized his and Vice President Harris’ position as “pro-freedom,” and affirmed his support for a “restoration of Roe” in federal law.
  • Other topics with clear distinctions between Vance and Walz included foreign policy, immigration, the budget, energy, the 2nd Amendment, and January 6th. While religious liberty was not a planned topic, Vance briefly brought it up when he mentioned that Kamala Harris had supported suing Catholic nuns who didn’t support abortion.
  • What should we take away? We don’t know how much the vice presidential debate will affect the election, but we do know our votes should be guided by God’s word. Proverbs 29:2 shows the effect of different rulers: “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” As you consider what the candidates stand for, ask yourself whether they agree with God’s principles for good government.


Heavenly Father, help Your church in America to be discerning and to vote according to Your principles. Thank You for the incredible blessing You have given us, and for which many have sacrificed, to be able to vote for our leaders. Let us not take it for granted.


Are you committed to voting biblically on November 5th and encouraging your friends and family to do the same? Pledge to Vote here, and then share the opportunity with someone else.

Supplies Arrive by Plane and By Mule In North Carolina As Helene’s Death Toll Tops 130

“Widespread devastation left behind by Hurricane Helene came to light Monday across the South, revealing a wasteland of splintered houses, crushed cargo containers and mud-covered highways in one of the worst storms in U.S. history. The death toll topped 130.” read more at Associated Press


  • Hurricane Helene, a category 4 storm that first made landfall on Florida’s gulf coast, ended up impacting several states and has left tens of thousands without electricity, internet, food, or water—with some still unable to escape their flooded homes. It is estimated that Helene has caused over $100 billion in property damage.
  • On Monday, President Trump visited a ravaged community in Georgia and announced his campaign was starting a GoFundMe to help those affected by this horrific storm. President Biden is set to make a trip to North Carolina today amidst criticism that the government could be doing more to help those hit hardest.
  • How will this impact the election? While the storm, occurring just over one month before Election Day, will no doubt impact early and absentee voting across several states, it is hard to predict the full scale of its impact. Still, the Bible tells us in Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” No matter how uncertain the future may be or how devastated we are by the pain and grief this storm has caused across the nation, we rejoice in the One who is sovereign over everything.


Pray for all of those impacted by Hurricane Helene. Pray for the rescue crews and relief efforts. Ask God to comfort the families who have lost homes, businesses, and loved ones.


As the states impacted by Helene begin to survey the damage and pick up the pieces, may we all prayerfully consider how we can help from afar. For a list of disaster relief services that are currently running in North Carolina, visit this website.

More Than 13,000 Immigrants Convicted of Homicide are Living Outside Immigration Detention In the U.S., ICE Says

"More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide — either in the United States or abroad — are living outside of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention, according to data ICE provided to Congress earlier this week. The immigrants are part of ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning the agency has some information on the immigrants and they have pending immigration cases in the U.S., but they are not currently in detention either because they are not prioritized for detention, they are serving time in a jail or prison for their crimes, or because ICE cannot find them, three law enforcement officials said." read more at NBC News


  • Let’s look at the numbers. According to the ICE official, of the approximately 425,000 migrants not in ICE detention, about 13,000 have been convicted of homicide, 16,000 convicted of sexual assault, and 2,500 convicted of kidnapping. These numbers date back across several presidential administrations, illustrating that the border has long been an issue that needs significant reform.
  • Last week, Vice President Harris visited the border in Arizona where she gave a speech promising to crack down on the illegal immigrants currently wreaking havoc across the nation. But some border patrol officers criticized her comments, stating that it was the Biden-Harris administration’s policies that exacerbated the crisis.
  • My Faith Votes believes the Bible is clear that citizens must obey the laws of their land and nations must protect their citizens and residents, which includes securing their borders. If America is ever going to see a decrease in crime, the border—and the immigration system as a whole—must be tackled.


As November draws near, pray for Christians in America to turn out at the polls and elect strong leaders who will govern according to Romans 13:1-6 and look after the safety of Americans.


If we want secure borders and safe neighborhoods, and leaders who will advocate for America’s best interests, every Christian must vote. To do your part in motivating Christians to get to the polls this election season, join our Write Now campaign. Learn more and sign up here.

Christians Hold the Key to Elections, But Will They Show Up?

“America is in a spiritual crisis. A nation that was founded on Christian principles, a nation that invoked God in its origins, a nation that has turned to the same God for nearly a quarter-millennium has nearly overnight rebuked Him and has largely abandoned His truth. Case in point, the newest polling from renowned pollster George Barna finds that only 59% of practicing Christians say they will vote in the November 5 election. If churchgoing Christians make up 80 million of America’s 333 million people, that means only 48 million practicing Christians are headed to the polls.” read more at Blaze Media


  • This article highlights two challenges for the church. First, we need more Christians to vote. According to Barna’s polling, six out of every 10 Christians vote in every election, three out of ten vote inconsistently, and less than one out of every 10 Christians are not registered or vote based on convenience.
  • Second, we need more Christians to hold a biblical perspective on the issues. Here are some shocking statistics: 42% support abortion under any circumstance, 29% prefer socialism to the free market, and 56% don’t believe in absolute moral truth, believing instead that “identifying moral truth is up to each individual.” That third statistic might be the reason why many hold beliefs that are contrary to the Bible, and why only 23% think our nation’s moral decline is a “defining issue” affecting their vote.
  • This is why My Faith Votes and our many volunteers have been working hard this year to reach and empower Christians! We are equipping individuals and churches with the motivation and tools they need to vote, and the knowledge and wisdom to vote according to biblical principles. Why? Because we desire to be faithful stewards of every opportunity our sovereign God has given us to do good and glorify His name (see 1 Cor. 10:31, Gal. 6:10, Col. 3:17).


Take some time to praise the Lord for His sovereignty over all creation and your life. Thank Him for redeeming you through the death and resurrection of His Son. Ask Him to give you a heart to know Him, love what He loves, and hate what He hates. Then ask Him to help you apply His principles to your responsibility to vote.


Have you watched any of the videos in our Think Biblically series? These short videos and discussion guides are perfect for churches, small groups, and individuals who want to learn God’s perspective on key issues like abortion, politics, socialism, and more. This resource is free for a limited time, so start watching today in preparation for the election!

My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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