My Faith Votes | WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY - MAY 22, 2024



UPCOMING PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY: Idaho’s Democratic Presidential Caucus takes place May 23. For all election and voting information, visit My Voter Hub and click on your state.

In this week's Intersect, read about:

Flags-In — How the Old Guard Observes Memorial Day

"Each year, on the Thursday prior to Memorial Day, a battalion of the United States Army 3rd Infantry Regiment meticulously places American flags at each of more than 280,000 headstones in Arlington National Cemetery, another 14,000 flags at the Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery in Washington D.C., and near each of the four crypts at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; all part of a tradition known as ‘Flags-In.'" read more at Liberty Flags


  • Memorial Day, first called Decoration Day, began as a response to the carnage of the Civil War. After the war ended in the spring of 1865, Americans began holding springtime tributes by reciting prayers and decorating with flowers the graves of countless fallen soldiers. It was a way to remember those who had given, as President Abraham Lincoln said, “the last full measure of devotion” to defend their nation.
  • Three years later, General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic issued an order to set aside a unique day for Americans to place flowers on the graves of war heroes, and on May 30 of that same year, the first Decoration Day was held at Arlington Cemetery. After World War I, this special day was amended to include all men and women from our armed forces who gave their lives serving our nation. The name “Memorial Day” became more common and in 1971, Memorial Day became an official federal holiday.
  • In December of 2000, Congress passed the National Moment of Remembrance Act, for all Americans to observe a National Moment of Remembrance. At 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, Americans are asked to pause in silence for one minute to honor and remember America's fallen heroes.


Lord, we give You thanks for the freedoms we enjoy today. Let us not forget that the rights and privileges we enjoy in America came through sacrifice. Today, we honor all who have gone before us and made the ultimate sacrifice. We are grateful for those who are serving our country in every part of this world as they are Your instruments of peace and freedom. We pray for the families whose loved ones have given their “last full measure of devotion,” their very lives, for our freedom today.


Consider placing a flag on the grave of a veteran in a local cemetery for Memorial Day. Flag Forward is a movement of the Military Veteran Project, encouraging and equipping volunteers to unite your community to pay tribute to the men and women who have served our country. Learn more here.

Two-tier justice: Seven Pro-lifers Get Multi-year Prison Sentences for Peacefully Protesting at D.C. Abortion Clinic

“A U.S. District Court Judge began handing down sentences [last week] for pro-life activists who were convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances (FACE) Act because of their protest of the Washington Surgi-Clinic, where the activists claim babies are born alive and left to die.” read more at Standing for Freedom


  • In October 2020, the pro-lifers staged a sit-in at the clinic and blocked access to it, trying to prevent abortions from being committed as they sang songs and prayed. The sit-in was sponsored by Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, a leftist pro-life group whose founder pointed out, “There is no other social justice movement in our nation who’s [sic] activists are subject to years in federal prison for nonviolent resistance. This blatant viewpoint discrimination has incalculable consequences for babies, their parents, those who defend them…”
  • The pro-lifer who organized the protest shockingly received almost five years in prison plus three years of supervision. Peter Breen with the Thomas More Society is representing her. He said, “[T]he traditional way you deal with folks doing civil disobedience is they get a trespass charge — you get a slap on the wrist and they move on.” He added, “There is a silver lining to this–the people of America are waking up and seeing this sort of thing, and it is driving them to understand the Biden administration is misusing the government.”
  • Psalm 94:3,6-7 expresses the frustration we feel when evildoers prosper: “How long, Lord…will the wicked be jubilant?....they murder the fatherless. They say, ‘The Lord does not see; the God of Jacob takes no notice.’” But verses 9 and 10 remind us, “Does he who formed the eye not see? Does he who disciplines nations not punish?” Justice will come. In the meantime, what will we do to stand up for the innocent?


Pray for strength for the pro-lifers who have just been sentenced: Lauren Handy, John Hinshaw, William Goodman, Jonathan Darnel, Herb Geraghty, Jean Marshall, and Joan Bell. Pray for them to seek the Lord during this time. As we draw near to November, pray for an awakening of the American conscience to the injustice of abortion.


Join the Write Now campaign and commit to sending letters to Christians in a swing state, encouraging them to vote. We give you everything you need—from what to write, to the addresses to be mailed to—you can choose how many you’d like to do. Our goal is to have 3,000 volunteers by June 15! Sign up here.

KC Chiefs’ Harrison Butker Isn’t Out of Touch – the NFL Is

“Three-time Super Bowl champion NFL kicker Harrison Butker ignited a firestorm this past weekend courtesy of a commencement address he gave extolling multi-millennia-old virtues concerning faith, family, courage, principle, morality, marriage, human sexuality and the sanctity of human life. Speaking at Benedictine College, the 28-year-old Butker, who is a professing Catholic, took aim at what he considers to be absent, negligent, and even narcissistic leadership – both within his own church and the wider culture.” read more at Daily Citizen


  • Butker’s speech could legitimately be deemed “the commencement speech heard round the world,” and it isn’t because he said anything groundbreaking. It’s simply because he echoed things that our society despises, like the value of life and the importance of motherhood. These are biblical values that societies across the globe have relied on and esteemed for millennia. After all, if life and motherhood were not valued, would we even have a thriving society today?
  • Shortly after the speech, the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica came out against Butker, claiming that what he said conflicts with the vision of the college’s founders and represents a “narrow definition of what it means to be Catholic.” But everything that Butker said was biblical—explicitly biblical, in fact (see Proverbs 31 and Psalm 127:3). So, could it be that Butker’s critics have too broad a definition of God’s Word and what it means to be a Christ-follower?
  • In Matthew 5:13-16, as Jesus gives the Sermon on the Mount, He calls His followers to be salt and light — to prevent further decay of society and to point others to Christ. Harrison Butker did just that when he took the stage and bravely proclaimed biblical truth to a room full of new graduates. We should be following his example — taking Jesus’ directive seriously and acting as salt and light in a decaying world that is shrouded by darkness. After the speech, Butker said in an interview that he knew giving that speech might require him to walk away from football and he was completely willing to do that if necessary — may we all be willing to make the same sacrifice for our Lord and Savior.


Lord, may I always take seriously your command to be salt and light. May my every word and deed bring glory to You, and may I always stand firm on Your Word regardless of the criticism I may receive or the things I might have to sacrifice. Amen.


Listen to Harrison Butker’s full commencement speech here, and share it on social media, encouraging one another to courageously stand on God’s Word — even when it is unpopular or unaccepted by modern-day culture.

Calif. School District Pays Fired Christian Teacher $360,000 in Settlement

“California’s Jurupa Unified School District (USD) Board on Monday approved a $360,000 settlement agreement for Jessica Tapia, a Christian teacher who was fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns or lie to parents about their child’s gender identity.” read more at the Washington Stand


  • Fox News reported that when Tapia was fired by the school district, she quoted Genesis 5:2, which states, "Male and female He created them, and He blessed them and named them man when they were created." She also quoted Proverbs 12:22, which states, "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight." May we have the same clarity and commitment when we are tested!
  • Another First Amendment victory recently occurred in California–this time for free speech. Yolo County Library officials violated the First Amendment rights of Moms for Liberty and other women’s groups who had reserved a room in a local library to speak about the dangers of men in women’s sports. According to the Institute for Free Speech, “The officials then ended the event almost immediately after it began, claiming that participants were ‘misgendering’ by referring to biological males as ‘males’ or stating that ‘men’ are participating in women’s sports.” According to the terms of the settlement, the library let the groups reschedule the event and hold it without interference. They also adopted better free speech policies.
  • Both cases point to how local officials can impact our freedom to speak the truth. This is very serious because no one can be saved without knowing the truth about Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:9-13). We are commanded as Christians, “[P]ut off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor…” (Ephesians 4:25). Through our votes, we seek to preserve our First Amendment right to do this.


Heavenly Father, I pray for my elected officials and others who are influential in my community. Help them to respect the First Amendment rights of everyone so Your people can be free to share the gospel and tell the truth. Give me courage when I am tempted to back down from speaking the truth in love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.

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