In this week's Intersect, read about:
Abortion Numbers Up Since Roe v. Wade Overturned: Study
“In the wake of the Supreme Court's landmark decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in June 2022, abortion rates across the U.S. have slightly increased according to a report released Wednesday. The quarterly #WeCount report by the Society of Family Planning attributes this increase largely to new laws in Democratic-led states protecting doctors who use telemedicine to provide abortion services in states with bans. The data arrives at a critical juncture as the November elections approach, with abortion rights expected to be a significant issue for voters.” read more at Newsweek.
- While this study is disheartening at first glance, one must evaluate it with caution. The Society of Family Planning is a pro-abortion non-profit, so it is not surprising they would publish what they deem to be optimistic numbers regarding abortion. As one pro-life analyst observed, there are disparities between the Society of Family Planning’s numbers and the estimates from other organizations—suggesting that these numbers might not be wholly accurate.
- Yet, it is true that the number of chemical abortions in the United States has been on the rise since the Dobbs decision in 2022. It is also true that the Supreme Court failed to restrict access or regulate the pills used for chemical abortions earlier this year. Both facts should serve as a reminder that Dobbs was a great victory for life, but it was not the end of the story. We still have a long way to go to establish a culture of life in America.
- God’s Word is clear that every human life was intricately designed by our Creator in the image of God (Psalm 139:13-16 & Genesis 1:27). Therefore, every innocent life deserves to be protected and advocated for. Our Founders believed so as well. After all, the right to life was the first right they mentioned in our founding documents. It is imperative for us to defend and protect this God-given right. If the right to life is so easily taken away, consider just how easily the rest of our rights could crumble.
Lord, we continue to pray for a culture of life to take root in America. Please give me the courage to boldly stand for all life—born and unborn—in the public square and in my local community. Amen.
What does it mean to think biblically about the sanctity of life? Sign up for My Faith Votes’ video series Think Biblically and listen to Abby Johnson unpack that very question. Plus, hear from several other Christian thought leaders on topics like gender and sexuality, socialism, and more. Sign up for free at ThinkBiblicallySeries.org.
Thousands of Noncitizen Registered Voters Discovered, Governor Says
“On Wednesday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order cementing election security protocols in the state, noting that since he took office Virginia has discovered and removed more than 6,000 noncitizen registered voters from voting rolls. With the national presidential election less than 90 days away, the GOP is pushing for stricter voter regulations to safeguard election integrity. Voting in a federal election without citizenship is a federal crime that is punishable by imprisonment and fines.” read more at Newsweek
- According to the governor’s order, the state also found and removed 79,867 deceased voters from the voter rolls in 2023. Youngkin stated, "...This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue, it's an American and Virginian issue. Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes or inaccurate machines."
- Each state is responsible for conducting and safeguarding its election process. This work is performed–excellently or poorly–by governors, secretaries of state, legislators, election boards, county officials, and everyday citizens who become poll workers. All the way down to the local level, your vote can impact the security of future elections!
- It’s encouraging to learn about efforts like Virginia’s to correct errors and guard against fraud. Every story like this is an opportunity to think about the integrity of your Let it motivate you to pray and take action to promote honesty and fairness in your county and state.
Here is one prayer point from our Election Integrity Prayer Guide: Pray that God will move against any force that would seek to create chaos and unrest in our elections, from the local to the state to the federal level. Scripture says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20). See verses: Ecclesiastes 3:17; Proverbs 10:9; Ephesians 4:25
Are you interested in becoming an election worker? Find information on being a poll worker in your community, including requirements, hours, pay, training, and more, at MyFaithVotes.org/be-a-poll-worker. Links are provided so you can sign up directly with your state or local election office.
Ohio Students Barred from “Misgendering,” Appeals Court Rules
“Proper use of pronouns used to be a subject consigned to grammarians—but no more. As an increasing number of young people identify as a gender not consistent with their biological sex, more schools are instituting policies barring so-called ‘misgendering.’ In a Monday ruling, a divided panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an Ohio school district’s policies that bar public school students from intentionally using non-preferred pronouns to refer to their classmates.” read more at WORLD
- This ruling means that for now, Ohio’s fourth-largest school district won’t allow dissent from its unbiblical gender worldview. By making students choose between using a person’s preferred pronouns or just their name, “‘The students’ only options begin from the district’s viewpoint that gender transition is a real thing; from there the students must conform their own expression around that viewpoint,” wrote the dissenting judge, who sided with the parents.
- Those parents, aided by Parents Defending Education, are continuing to fight this decision. Using correct pronouns acknowledges the truth about biology and sex and is a part of obeying God and loving our neighbor. But according to this school district, it could constitute harassment. Would you lovingly stand for truth even if such a label was applied to you or your kids?
- Despite this decision, there is also good news in Ohio–from a different court. Earlier this year, we wrote about the Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which was passed by the state legislature to protect children from gender mutilation procedures and keep boys’ and girls’ sports separate. The law was temporarily blocked from taking effect when the ACLU challenged it, but last week a judge ruled that protecting children is in line with the state constitution. Both cases remind us not to neglect elections for school board, state legislative, and judicial seats (if your judges are elected).
Heavenly Father, thank You for state laws protecting children from harmful procedures. Give courage and grace to the parents fighting for students’ right to speak the truth that reflects Your creation of male and female. Help me to be more like Jesus in grace and truth (John 1:14).
Does your school pressure students to agree with an unbiblical view of gender or hide a student’s identity struggles from their parents? Our School Assessment gives tips on how to find out what your school’s policies are, and how to advocate for change. Go read this free LGBTQ School Assessment resource today.
Harris Campaign Admits Walz ‘Misspoke’ About Past Military Career As ‘Stolen Valor’ Criticism Grows
“Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign admitted Friday that her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz ‘misspoke’ about his past military service as a growing chorus of critics accuse him of ‘stolen valor.’ ‘Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way,’ Team Harris said in a statement to NBC News Friday.” read more at the New York Post
- Governor and Vice President hopeful Tim Walz is under fire for misrepresenting his military service and embellishing his rank throughout the course of his political career. The Harris campaign quietly fixed his bio on their website amidst the criticism, but as of this writing, Governor Walz has yet to address this issue before the national media.
- Anyone who raises their hand to serve their country in the armed service deserves to be commended and respected—Governor Walz included. However, one of the most important characteristics of any leader is integrity, and part of having integrity is owning up to and correcting one’s mistakes and wrongdoings. If Governor Walz did in fact misspeak or intentionally misrepresent his service, it is up to him to admit to and correct it.
- Christians are called to walk in integrity in a world that desperately needs true examples of righteousness. When we do so successfully, we reflect the character of Christ. So, as we consider Governor Walz’s actions, may it challenge us to be different, as representatives of Christ in a broken world.
Lord, Your Word is clear that integrity leads to blessing while dishonesty leads to destruction. May I always walk in integrity, seeking to conduct myself in a way that brings You glory. Amen.
The integrity of America is on the line this November. That’s why we need every Christian in America to put their faith into action at the polls this Election Day. Right now, you can encourage Christians in key swing states to get out and vote by mailing them a special letter as part of this year’s Write Now campaign. To learn more or sign up today, visit WriteNow2024.org.
My Faith Votes— is a ministry that motivates, equips, and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth. An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. My Faith Votes is on a mission to change this statistic by helping Christians act on their faith and vote in every election. When we pray unceasingly for our nation, think biblically about the issues, and vote consistently in every election the impact of Christians taking action from the local to the state and federal level will be unprecedented.
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