A Biblical Approach to Marriage
At the forefront of Genesis, we see God’s beautiful design and purpose for human sexuality and human flourishing. We also see that marriage has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God joins one man and one woman in a single union.
Post Election Thoughts: A message from the CEO
Elections come and go. This is a process that will never end because we live in a broken world. To keep the proper perspective, it helps to remember our assignment, which is not fixed on “winning” elections. Our call is simple...we PRAY for our nation, we THINK biblically about issues, and we VOTE…in every election. The results belong to God.
My Faith Votes on Kirk Cameron's Election Special
Be sure to watch Friday, November 4 at 8 & 10 pm (ET) on TBN or the TBN app.
4 Reasons Disengaged Christians Don’t Vote and How to Change That
Two-thirds of Christians vote—obeying Christ’s command to be salt and light in our world. But a significant minority won’t, choosing to hide their heads in the sand and avoid politics rather than bring the light of their Christian influence into the darkened corners of culture. But that’s precisely the environment into which Christ calls us to take the hope of the gospel.
5 States to Vote on Marijuana; Outcomes Could be Disastrous
It’s imperative that we, as Christians, are able to understand what’s really going on and why we need to be informed before the disastrous consequences of legalized drugs are heaped upon us. The result of allowing “a little sin” will only enable this cancer to metastasize and grow.