Why is the CDC pushing the LGBTQ agenda instead of fighting disease?
Many parents may be surprised and concerned to learn that the Centers for Disease Control is actively promoting the LGBTQ agenda through schools across the country.
Why is recreational marijuana more dangerous than you think?
As taxpayers and Christians, we should be alarmed and work together to wake America up to what is going on. Together we can stop this madness.
Is Revival Possible in America?
Many Christians today yearn for revival. Whether in big events like the National Day of Prayer, or small
prayer meetings in rural chapels or college campuses, believers are pleading with God to revive His church and send spiritual awakening to our land. -
3 Key Ways People of Faith Made Their Mark on 2022 Elections, and Beyond
Few saw clear victory — however, a significant number of votes for values that are pro-family, pro-freedom, and pro-life provide three clear takeaways from the midterm elections.
No, Latino Christians Do Not Support Abortion
A recent poll conducted for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and My Faith Votes tested attitudes toward abortion among Latino voters.
A Biblical Approach to Marriage
At the forefront of Genesis, we see God’s beautiful design and purpose for human sexuality and human flourishing. We also see that marriage has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God joins one man and one woman in a single union.