My Faith Votes | Articles


  • The Pastor's Calling and Challenge: Encouragement from Pastor Allen Jackson

    There is no doubt about it — ministry in a post-COVID world is difficult. Churches across the nation are closing their doors permanently. Pastors are exhausted and considering leaving the ministry. And the number of people who hold a biblical worldview is decreasing. The state of faith communities in America could seem bleak but there’s more to the story. We recently sat down with Pastor Allen Jackson from World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee to discuss the state of pastors and churches in America.

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  • March for Life: From Roe v Wade to Ballot Battles with Jeanne Mancini

    In 1973, the Supreme Court sent shockwaves across the nation when it ruled that abortion was constitutional. In 1974, the March for Life began with a group of people who believed in the sanctity of every human life leading the charge. They did not intend the March for Life to become an annual event but, today, the March for Life has been going on for 50 years. What began as a small demonstration has become the largest, longest-running, annual human rights demonstration worldwide. According to Jeanne Mancini, President of the March for Life, that annual demonstration contributed to the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. We recently sat down with Jeanne to discuss Roe v. Wade, everything that has happened since, and the battles for life that are still being fought in states across the nation

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  • A Prescription to Kill: A Conversation with Dr. Ingrid Skop

    Over the last few years, European countries have conducted high-quality studies linking pregnancy outcomes with deaths. They found that a woman is six times as likely to commit suicide in the year following an abortion than following childbirth. Further data illustrates those countries with strict anti-abortion laws—like Poland—have the lowest maternal mortality rates and almost zero abortions. Meanwhile, the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate. Dr. Skop has been an obstetrician for over 30 years. Throughout her career, she has seen women who have been harmed by abortion, and now, with a dramatic increase in chemical abortions, even more women are being harmed. We can change course and improve our maternal mortality rates, but if we are going to be effective, we must first understand the issue.

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