Mike Huckabee identifies 'biggest threat' to moral fiber of US, why it's the Church's fault
Redefining gender and sexual identity is the “greatest threat” to the moral fiber of America, said former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, and the fault lies with the Church.
Fighting for Life
Georgia legislators have passed a bill banning abortion after the baby has a detectable heartbeat, which is around six weeks, unless the pregnancy endangers the mother’s life or poses “substantial and irreversible physical harm” to the mother.
Fully Human, Fully Alive
What an amazing ultrasound video—my eleven and a half week grandbaby stretching his legs and “jumping” in my daughter’s womb! We could see the tiny heart beating, and it became crystal clear that this little creation wasn’t just a “piece of tissue” but a living being.
Lifting Up the Poor
In politics, we hear comparisons between the haves and the have-nots. The wealthy and the poor. The one percent and the lower class. We’ve listened to the calls for wealth redistribution, free college and Medicare for all. And this rhetoric will only continue to increase.
Unique From Day One
My Faith Votes sat down with one of the keynote speakers of this year's March for Life, Abby Johnson, where she explained the power behind this year’s theme, “Unique from Day One.”
A Conversation With Michele Bachmann
Jason Yates, My Faith Votes, recently sat down with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former Congresswoman from Minnesota and former Presidential candidate, to glean her insight on the cultural moment we are living in and how Christians can bring biblical answers to our communities.