My Faith Votes | Articles


  • Fools are Fearless; the Wise are Afraid

    No: Be afraid. Be very afraid. The line has become nearly ubiquitous; its modern origin is the 1986 horror flick, The Fly. Jeff Goldblum is the quirky scientist; Geena Davis is the reporter working to expose his teleportation work. As Goldblum’s lab goof sends him into species transfer, he tries to reassure the reporter: “Don’t be afraid.” Davis replies to the threat with wisdom: “No. Be afraid. Be very afraid...”

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  • Immigration Solutions or Political Games?

    The politics in Washington D.C. are raging at an all-time high. It’s becoming difficult to distinguish between our representatives who serve on Capitol Hill and actors in a drama.

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  • National Call to Prayer for President Trump

    Join with Christians across the nation on Sunday, June 2, by praying for President Trump. We’ve created three prayer points with scriptures to help guide your time. Pray on your own, with your family, your community group, or your church.

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  • A Message from President James A. Garfield for this Memorial Day

    In 1868 Congressman James A. Garfield, who would later become the 20th president of the United States, gave a speech on “Decorations Day” at Arlington National Cemetery, the day we now refer to as Memorial Day.

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  • We Must Stand with Israel When Rockets Fly

    Last week, Israel was pounded by what seemed like an endless stream of rocket attacks. The explosions and bloodshed serve as a reminder that our ally is an island of freedom in a sea of turmoil. Now, as always, the only flourishing democracy in the Middle East needs our unwavering support.

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  • Church Membership in America

    A new Gallup survey shows that church membership in America has plummeted 20 points since 1999 to just 50 percent. And the percentage of Americans claiming to have no religion has more than doubled since then.

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