Giving Thanks: An Everyday Tradition
For the Christian, Thanksgiving is more than a Thursday in November, it’s an attitude to embrace and a prayer to offer every day.
Empowering the Next Generation with Biblical Truth
Over the last several years, young adults have been leaving the church in droves. This is a concerning trend. It can be attributed to many things, one of which is the cultural shift that reveres feelings over facts. Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries has dedicated his time to reaching the next generation of adults. We recently sat down with him to discuss the next generation’s spiritual struggles and political involvement.
The Power of Family and Faith in Shaping Society with Abraham Hamilton, III
Marriages and families are under attack in our society. There is no doubt about it. But we have an opportunity and a responsibility as Christ followers, to engage in policy debates and to vote our biblical values so that the institutions ordained by God are protected and sustained for the generations to come.
Israel Declares War: Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand?
As we remember Israel in our prayers, we also want to consider statements provided by those contending to become the next commander-in-chief of the United States. It is likely that foreign policy matters will be the greatest challenge of the next President, and therefore, our attention to the candidates’ positions is paramount.
We Are All In This Together: How to Encourage and Advise Your Pastor
If Christians desire to radically transform their communities, it is essential that they be connected to a vibrant, thriving church. And a church community will only thrive when there is a healthy relationship between the congregation and its pastor.
The Pastor's Calling and Challenge: Encouragement from Pastor Allen Jackson
There is no doubt about it — ministry in a post-COVID world is difficult. Churches across the nation are closing their doors permanently. Pastors are exhausted and considering leaving the ministry. And the number of people who hold a biblical worldview is decreasing. The state of faith communities in America could seem bleak but there’s more to the story. We recently sat down with Pastor Allen Jackson from World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee to discuss the state of pastors and churches in America.