Why You Should Worry About the Supreme Court’s Disturbing Ruling on the First Amendment
Just before the stroke of midnight on May 29, while protests and riots against the murder of George Floyd raged across America, the Supreme Court issued one of this year’s most important rulings on the First Amendment.
A Message from our Founder and President
An important message and prayer for our nation from our Founder and President, Sealy Yates
How the Bostock Case Could Impact Religious Freedom
THE CASE: Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia | United States Supreme Court | Opinion is due on June 15, 2020. THE HOLDING: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964's prohibition on sex discrimination in employment includes prohibitions on sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination.
The Decline of Christian Values is a Danger to America
On this Flag Day, we are in another battle against the ultimate oppressor. Because what makes this nation so different is that this nation is rooted in the belief that our ultimate freedom comes from God, not the government. As Christianity declines and people lose sight of these truths, we are in serious danger.
Justice, What's Right and the Standard of Truth
Today, we see people fighting for “justice” who have different definitions of what’s “right” because they don’t agree on the standard of truth.