Politics for People Who Hate Politics
You may not like politics, but politics likes you. Our days of sitting back are over. We have to stand up, or we'll all fall down.
Pastor Allen Jackson on the Church’s Role in Shaping Culture
One party supports abortion up to the ninth month, redefined marriage, and gender modification for children. Be informed enough to know what the platforms are and then stop the nonsense about personalities.
Eric Metaxas on Faith, Politics, and the American Church
Pastors need to understand and teach what Scripture truly says about involvement in society. The Bible doesn’t counsel us to remain neutral. In the United States, we have the privilege and responsibility of living in a republic where our actions can influence policies that affect people's lives. If you see policies harming your neighbor and say nothing, you fail in your Christian duty to love your neighbor.
We’ve Been Given a Stewardship
I think it's important for us to understand that the key biblical category here is stewardship. We're given the stewardship of influence. And in our constitutional system of government, we're given the stewardship of a vote, which means, that the only question is whether our stewardship is faithful or unfaithful. Are we being good stewards or are we failing in stewardship?
My Truth vs. The Truth: Explaining the Change in Generation Z
Feelings are an important way of thinking. God gave us feelings. But there's a philosophical issue that is at stake. We've tipped as a culture—moving away from seeking THE truth to talking about speaking OUR truth. We've stopped believing that truth is located out there somewhere objectively and in someplace stable where we can find it and orient ourselves to it and thinking that it's all [inside of us].