A Letter to Pastors on a Biblical Requirement to Vote
It is imperative that Christian pastors and leaders are not delinquent in their responsibility to address their congregations about current political and social issues. This is especially important because only 1 out of every 4 Christians in America votes. 25 million registered Christians do not vote and there are 15 million Christians who are not even registered to vote.
A Night of Polar Opposites in America
The mob may have been trying to intimidate and destroy. But God is in the business of restoration and redemption. It’s up to us to choose what we do.
Three Reasons Why Christians Should Vote
The Bible explicitly expresses an obligation to our government that is derived from God’s authority. As Americans, we are allowed the unique opportunity to influence our laws. For Christians, this means we must bring our biblical worldview to the public square.
Four Myths About Christian Political Engagement
As Christians, it’s easy to look at politics and want to walk away altogether. It’s much harder—and much more necessary—to engage in politics as one way of impacting our society. The question is: how do we engage in politics without compromising the gospel?