ACTION ALERT: Federal Government Seeking to Take Over Elections
A dangerous bill introduced in Congress, known as For the People Act, (H.R. 1 in the House and S1 in the Senate) would federalize the election process. We urge you to use our simple tool and send a note to your representatives in Congress urging them to oppose this legislation and keep election power in the states' hands.
The Pro-Life Generation Does Not Have One Face, but Many
As a 25-year-old mother, I am one of the many faces of the pro-life generation. I am—along with an increasing number of my fellow millennials and members of Generation Z—on the side of science, and demand both political parties stand for the sanctity of human life.
Where Do We Go From Here
These are momentous and dangerous days for our country and its people. When I last wrote to you in late December, this was my opening statement: "America faces the possibility of catastrophic change. By the time you receive this letter, you will know what I can only speculate about today. Everything depends on two legal developments: first, whether or not the US Supreme Court addresses the legitimacy of the presidential election on November 3rd; the second depends on the outcome of two runoff elections in Georgia, scheduled for January 5th. On these two turning points hang the future of our great nation, and eventually, the world."