'American Idol' finalist on why some Gen Zers and millennials don't vote
People need to know that we need to be in the world. We don’t have a darkness problem. We have a light problem. I think it is time that we rise and shine. I believe it’s time that we start voting, that we start speaking up, that we start showing up in government.
On this Veterans Day, I celebrate my brothers and sisters in arms
I have always known Veterans Day as a time to remember those who wore the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. The years a veteran serves create a life-changing experience built by the training we go through, the places we are asked to serve, and the growing willingness to die for our country. No other citizen can fully grasp what it means to be in the military. All veterans, no matter when they served, are brothers and sisters in arms, sharing a bond that will be with them for their entire lives.
Virginians, are you ready to vote?
Gaining an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the levels of government can make it easier to understand why our actions and decisions in voting today will determine the future of the Commonwealth of Virginia for our children tomorrow.
A Conversation with Os Guinness: Why is America Divided?
Everyone knows America is divided -- but why? Our conversation with Os Guinness dives into a fascinating look at how our current cancel-culture, the sexual revolution, and Critical Race Theory stem from the French Revolution in the late 1700s.