A Conversation with Dave Kubal: What's the Difference between Prayer and Intercession?
What’s the difference between prayer and intercession? And does community impact the effectiveness of prayer? Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, has a candid conversation with Dave Kubal, President of Intercessors for America, about the power of prayer and how there has been an obvious acceleration of people wanting to come together to pray and act on behalf of our nation in the last few years.
A Conversation with Pastor Corey Brooks: Rooftop Revelations in Chicago's Worst Neighborhood
He's been living on a rooftop for over 100 days in Chicago's worst neighborhood. Find out why!
Our First President's Warning to the Nation
As we honor those who have served in America's highest office, may we reflect on Washington's words which served as an inspiration and a warning to a nation struggling to preserve its union. In today's divisive political atmosphere, senators and Americans would do well to take heed of his farewell letter.
If You Can Vote, You Can Advance the Kingdom of God
God used my story to cultivate a personal burden in my heart for young mothers and the unborn. I thank God for entrusting me to participate in this work alongside him.
A Conversation with Melissa Ohden: Will Roe v. Wade Be Overturned?
She survived an abortion and now she's an advocate for life. Melissa Ohden was on the steps of the Supreme Court this week as they heard the pivotal Dobbs case that could overturn Roe v. Wade. Watch here.