A Prayer For My Son
In our culture, the role of a father in a child's life has been diminished and devalued. And if we as Christian fathers hope to buck the trend and live up to the calling God has asked of us in fatherhood, then we must pray faithfully and fervently for our children. Here is a prayer I've written for one of my sons.
My prayer for you, my vision for your life, is that as a result of this gift of God’s Word:
One day you will be able to answer the most complex problems in the world with confidence.
One day you will be able to face the darkest and most difficult of circumstances with hope.
One day you will be sought out by multitudes to provide them comfort, guidance and leadership in their distress and you will be found ready, full of unfailing confidence that you can serve them well.
One day you will be able to stand firm against the passions of your flesh, unwaveringly remaining pure though all around you fall to the irresistible titillations of the moment.
One day you will be able to speak with profound insight, great courage and unwavering boldness while others are uncertain, constantly changing and consumed with the opinions of others.
One day you will be a pillar of strength for a world ready to collapse under the weight of its foolishness.
One day you will be able to stand strong when others crumble.
One day you will speak and others will be fed by the fruit, which pours forth from your lips.
One day you will be able to reveal to others what no eye has seen, no ear has heard and you will be able to unveil powerfully truths that have never entered into the hearts of man.
One day you will be able to restore souls, rejoice hearts, enlighten eyes and inform minds with perfection.
One day you will be ready to step up and lead courageously, speak out boldly, stand firm bravely, stay humble continually and serve the One true King nobly.
One day you will be blessed because you will delight yourself in the law of the Lord, and on that law you will meditate day and night.
No man is wise who is ignorant of God’s word and no man is uneducated who knows the Bible’s teachings
The man who doesn’t read the bible has no advantage of the man who has no bible. Apply your whole self to the text…apply the whole text to yourself.
Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be holy, share it to be useful.
Read it through, pray it in, live it out, pass it on.
- The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; (your father is not)
- The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. (the example of your father is sometimes suspect)
- The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; (the practices of you Daddy are sometimes wrong)
- The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. (the instructions of your Daddy may be polluted)
- The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; (God is a leader you can always follow without regret)
- The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward. (I will sometimes make mistakes)
Todd Wagner is Senior Pastor of Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas.
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