20 Ways To Stand For Life

At My Faith Votes, we encourage you to do three simple things: PRAY, THINK, and ACT. It’s an everyday formula to kick start all we do.
We’ve compiled a list of 20 ways to stand for life. While there are endless opportunities to get involved, use this list to get started and help propel other individuals and communities to become informed, take action and stand for life.
Pray for a culture of life to be advanced throughout the country. Pray for our elected officials, especially those who are fighting for life. Download this prayer guide to help you pray for life.
Be informed on the abortion issue. Many don’t know what really happens in the U.S. let alone their own neighborhoods. Know the facts. Learn more at Live Action.
You are the one to make a difference. Put your faith into action and do something today. Check out our 20 Ways to Stand For Life below to get informed and see how you can take action in the fight for life.

- ATTEND. Consider being a part of March for Life, the largest pro-life rally in the U.S.
- CARE. One in three women will have an abortion in her lifetime. Rachel’s Vineyard and Support After Abortion provide counsel and support for those who experienced abortion.
- CONNECT. Follow My Faith Votes on social media to stay up-to-date on pro-life news and issues.
- CONTACT. Send a quick message to your elected officials to tell them your position on pro-life issues using this simple tool.
- CREATE. Get together with friends and assemble Love Boxes, provided by Embrace Grace, for women who have chosen life in an unplanned pregnancy.
- DONATE. Pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers need financial help to sustain their work. Choose an organization, and make a donation now.
- INFLUENCE. Use the power of social media to share facts, quotes, stories, and videos about pro-life issues.
- KNOW. Learn the facts about abortion in this country to be able to articulate and argue against abortion. Facts can change hearts. Abort73 provides people with comprehensive information.
- LOVE. Fear, panic and lack of support leads women to an abortion because they feel they have no other option. Speak from the heart and approach these situations with love and compassion.
- RUN. Consider running for a public office as a pro-life candidate. We need more people serving in our local, state and national government who support a culture of life.
- SEE. If you know someone who is pregnant and considering abortion, encourage them to view their baby with an ultrasound. An organization called Save The Storks is doing just that across the nation through their mobile Stork Buses.
- SERVE. Women often choose abortion because they feel they can’t afford the financial responsibility. Find your local food bank to support families in your area who need help.
- SHARE. If you have a personal story about abortion or adoption, sharing it can help heal and empower you and those around you.
- SHOW. Many states have pro-life license plates, and a portion of the proceeds are donated to pro-life causes. Purchase a license plate to show your support. Visit Choose-Life to find out if your state participates.
- STAND. Become a Sidewalk Advocate for Life and participate in peaceful, prayerful, and law-abiding sidewalk advocacy to reach a woman’s heart and fill her needs so she can confidently choose life.

- SUPPORT. Foster Care plays a role in pro-life iniatives. Foster families need support and encouragement. Promise686 is equipping churches and families to help care for these foster children.
- VOLUNTEER. Pregnancy centers need help providing women with alternatives to abortion. Visit Care-Net or Heartbeat International to find a facility near you.
- VOTE. Research candidates and discover their pro-life positions so you know how to vote. Pledge to vote at My Faith Votes.
- WATCH. Women who choose adoption over abortion have made a brave and courageous decision. Watch these powerful stories of birth moms and learn the blessing of adoption.
- WEAR: Make a statement with clothing that sparks conversation and supports pregnancy clinics. Check out Culture of Life 1972 to get your gear today.